tape recorder

[tep rɪˈkɔrdɚ][teip riˈkɔ:də]


  • I have trouble understanding the professors ' lectures so I take a tape recorder to class .

    我对教授授课内容的了解仍有问题,所以我都带 录音 去上课。

  • A tape recorder using magnetic tape threaded on two reels .

    使用绕在两个 上的 磁带 记录器

  • I just realized that I forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me .

    啊,对不起。我刚发现忘记把你借给我的 录音 带来。

  • He had failed to realise that the tape recorder was still running

    他没有意识到 录音 还在

  • If you have a tape recorder record your description of the event as it happens .

    如果你有 录音 的话,别忘了描述一下正在发生的事情并 录音 下来。

  • I recorded our conversation on my tape recorder .

    我的 录音 我们的谈话录了下来。

  • Can you show me where the microphone plugs into the tape recorder ?

    你能告诉我麦克风要插到 录音 的那个地方?

  • You did have a tape recorder with you .

    你确实 录音

  • Give me your tape recorder .

    把你的 录音 给我。

  • Camera and tape recorder carry me far away from the intelligence which complicates everything .

    摄影机和 磁带 录音 &它们带我远离那个伴随万物的理性。

  • Your tape recorder is out of control .

    影碟 你的 录音 坏了。

  • Video Tape Recorder ( VTR ) is a sort of video recording equipment using magnetic tape .


  • The tape recorder has recorded his voice .

    录音 已经录下了他的声音。

  • A magnetic tape recorder for recording ( and playing back ) TV programs .

    能录制(和播放)电视节目的磁性 录音

  • My father bought me a tape recorder with four loud-speakers .

    我父亲给我买了一架四个喇叭的 录音

  • The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder

    卫兵准许我带相机和 录音

  • I am so grateful to you for your birthday gift . I am already using this tape recorder .

    谢谢你送来的生日礼物,我现在已经用上这 录音 了。

  • That 's my tape recorder . I 'm sorry . I left it on the desk outside .

    那是我的 磁带 录音 。很抱歉。我把它忘在外面的桌子上了。

  • But the tape recorder was left stuck .

    但是 磁带 记录 却粘著了。

  • Computer magnetic tape is very similar to that used on an ordinary tape recorder .

    计算机磁带非常类似于普通 磁带 录音 上所用的 磁带

  • You can use the tape recorder to play the tape .

    你可以用这 录音 来播放录音带。

  • He was about to repair electric cooker video tape recorder and electric light which is so convenient .

    他会修电饭煲、 录像机、电灯, 事情交给他很方便。

  • I brought this tape recorder so that we can record the contents of your conversation .

    我借来这个 录音 以便 下我们的谈话。

  • A rotating device in a tape recorder used to drive the recording medium at a constant speed .

    磁带 记录器中用来驱动记录介质作匀速运动的传动装置。

  • Stereo radio cassette recorder record with a tape recorder .

    立体声盒式带收录机用 磁带 录音机录制声音。

  • My tape recorder did not catch every last word .

    我的 录音 并没有把每一个字都录 下来

  • Your tape recorder 's just chewed up my favourite cassette .

    你的 录音 刚刚把我最喜欢的磁带绞坏了。

  • This is a handy tape recorder .

    录音 真轻巧。

  • By this memory structure the signal storage function be similar to the magnetic tape recorder can be realized .

    利用此结构可以实现类似于多通道 磁带 记录 记录方式。

  • Their secret conversation was recorded with a hidden tape recorder .

    他们的秘密谈话被隐藏 录音 下来了。