written evidence

[ˈrɪtn ˈɛvɪdəns][ˈrɪtn ˈevidəns]


  • Collection of an account receivable previously written off is evidence that the write-off was an error ; the receivable should therefore be reinstated as an asset .

    收回已核销的账款 证明原来的 核销是个错误,因此该笔应收款应重新被列为资产。

  • Hastily written sermons neglected or forgotten church members or angry outbursts at meetings are all evidence our failures .

    匆忙的 写成讲章,对会友的忽视,在会议桌上大发脾气 全都是我们的失败。

  • One reason why written evidence plays such a significant role in administrative practice is the nature of the issues involved in many agency adjudications .

    在行政实践里, 书面 证据之所以起着如此重要的作用,其原因即在于许多机关裁决里涉及的争议的性质。

  • Perhaps the most distinctive feature of many administrative adjudications is the substitution of written evidence for direct oral testimony .

    大概,许多行政裁决的最显著的特点是用 书面 证据代替直接的口头证言。

  • Your subject line ( aka title ) is the most important part of an e-mail which is why you write it last after you 've written down both your conclusion and the arguments and evidence that supports that conclusion .

    你的主题行(又名标题行)是一封电子邮件中最重要的部分,这就是在你 下你的结论和支持结论的论点和 证据后最后再写主题的原因。

  • However using written evidence is dangerous and the abuse may also cause a lot of damage and impede the realization of the purpose of litigation .

    而由于使用 书面 证据具有危险性,滥用 书面 证据也可能造成诸多危害,并妨碍诉讼目的的实现,因此对于 言词 证据 书面化,必须设定合理的限度范围,以使其规范化和正当化。

  • Not supported by written evidence .

    没有 书面 证据的支持。

  • A verbal statement is no guarantee ; a written text must be given as evidence .

    空口无凭, 立字儿为

  • The writer holds that electronic data can be adopted as evidence because electronic data are regarded as original evidence direct evidence and written evidence .

    作者认为电子数据可以作为证据采纳,电子数据应被看作原始证据、直接证据、 书证

  • A written or printed paper that bears the original official or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information .

    即,载有原始的、有关某事的官方或法律形式的 书写或打印文本,用以提供决定性 证据或信息。

  • Written testimony is not competent witnesses'testimony but it still is competent documentary evidence .

    书面证言不是适格的证人证言,但却是适格的 书证

  • All the orders were given by word of mouth to avoid leaving written evidence which might be later discovered .

    所有的命令都是口头传达,以免留下以后可能会被发现的 书面 证据

  • Well written thoroughly researched and easy to read the book delivers ample evidence that our elites are failing us .

    这本 书写 确实很好,事例详实, 明显经过充分的调查, 语言简单,易于阅读, 证据充足,充分证明精英们让我们失望了。

  • A written representation is a written statement by management provided to the auditor to confirm certain matters or to support other audit evidence .

    书面声明,是 管理层向注册会计师提供的书面陈述,用以确认某些事项或支持其他审计 证据

  • Written evidence of the identity of the designee shall be furnished to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Corporation if so requested .

    被指定人身份的 书面 证明文件,如果被要求的话,应当提供给公司的秘书长。

  • Consequently one has to turn to Gann 's semi-autobiographical novel entitled The Tunnel Through the Air written eighteen years later in1927 for supporting evidence on this key principle .

    因此,人们转向江恩 写于十八年后的1927年的半自传体小说“空中隧道,”一 ,寻找这一关键原则的支持 证据

  • I think a credit instrument is a written evidence of the extension of a loan .

    我认为信用工具就是发放贷款的 书面 证明

  • The identification of individual speech style in written speech materials involved in the case should be identified comprehensively by combining speech handwriting specific case and the other material evidence .

    对案件中涉及的 书面言语材料个人言语风格的鉴定,必须将言语、笔迹与具体的案件情况和其它 物证结合起来进行综合判断。

  • In case of finding the act to steal electric power on the scene a power consumption inspector shall stop it make a written note on the inspection of power use and keep evidence .

    对于现场发现的窃电行为,用电检查人员应当予以制止,并制作 电检查笔录,保存 证据

  • The compelling written evidence from ancient wise philosophers and past great spiritual masters certainly supports such a view .

    古圣先贤和过去的大明师们遗留的经典,就是支持此观点的强有力的 证据

  • Rules of evidence have no influence on its value . It is attributed to written evidence .

    直接 言词规则、最佳证据规则及我国现行法律规定并不影响电子证据的 证据价值。

  • From a practical angle the writer analyzes the possibility of looking the electronic evidence as written evidence before the law accepting it .

    并从实践的角度出发,在目前法律没有明确电子证据的法律地位之前,分析了将其视做 书证的可能性;

  • The written evidence is thin to non-existent and the import of the Dead Sea Scrolls one of the few sources for the period that is mainly in a Semitic language is hotly contested .

    关于 他的 文字 证据微乎其微,而对于“死海古卷”(主要由闪语写成的、关于那个时期的少数文献之一)中的记载,人们有着很大的争议。

  • Written answers court debate and meeting presided by the judge should be adopted to elaborate the evidence exchange and issue arrangement . All these procedures should be completed before the court session and the party is not to propose new measures of defense and offence .

    通过 书面、开庭辩论、法官主持会议三种程序设置细化 证据交换和争点整理,明确开庭审理前上述程序应进行完毕,当事人不得再提出新的攻击与防御方法。

  • Electronic evidence is different from written evidence and video-audio material so it should be classified by its function in each case and notarization should be introduced into the safeguard of electronic evidence .

    证明 问题上,电子证据既不同于 书证也不同于视听资料,应该根据其在具体案件中所起的作用归类,电子证据的保全应引入公证机制。

  • Some one view Brings a lawsuit hits the evidence but hits the evidence is hits the appraisal sufficiently explained the written this evidence form injures in the case in the person the pivotal status .

    因此,有一种说法:打官司就是打证据,而打证据就是打鉴定,就足以说明鉴定 结论这一 证据形式在人身伤害案件中举足轻重的地位。

  • The confessions written by all the war criminals and the detailed trial records contained in the archive files are irrefutable evidence of the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese militarist aggressors against the Chinese people .

    档案卷宗内各个战犯自己的 书面笔供以及详细的审讯笔录等 材料,是日本军国主义侵略者对中国人民所犯滔天罪行的 铁证