written report

[ˈrɪtn rɪˈpɔrt][ˈrɪtn riˈpɔ:t]


  • It must be shown in class and be accompanied by a written report on the project and any discoveries that you made while completing the project .

    学生必须在课堂上展示自己的作品,并附上 书面 报告,阐述作品,以及自己在作品制作过程中的「新发现」。

  • Such as quenching and tempering treatment manufacturers want to make regular and there is a written report .

    如调质处理要到正规厂家做,并有 书面 报告

  • In addition to a written report the husband wanted a video of his wife 's activities .

    他要求侦探除了 出具 报告,还要交一盘他老婆的行动录像。

  • Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise .

    磋商的时候要作记录,因为最终的 书面 报告非常简洁。

  • The main project will be a10-12 page written report based on original economic research that you perform over the course of the semester .

    主要专题将是根据你在这个学期课堂内完成的原始经济研究中,所撰 写出的十至十二页研究 报告

  • Findings in the form of a written report will present customers .

    调查结果会以 书面 报告的形式呈递客户。

  • Verify dimensions and plumb of all elevator hoistways prior to preparing shop drawings and submit a written report to engineer detailing any proposed modification to suit the site conditions .

    编制施工图之前,校验所有电梯机井的尺寸和垂直度,并向监理工程师提交一份 书面 报告,详细说明任何根据现场条件拟作出的修改。

  • Students have to submit a written report and make oral presentation of their work .

    学员需呈交一 报告 并作相关的口头报告。

  • This written report contains both a verbal description and a sketch of the building .

    这份 书面 报告包含了这座大楼的文字描述以及草图。

  • Monitoring civil progress compared to schedule & come up periodical written report .

    参照时间表监控工地进度并定期 提交 书面 报告

  • Where the parties to the dispute have failed to develop a mutually satisfactory solution the panel shall submit its findings in the form of a written report to the DSB .

    如争端各方未能形成双方满意的解决办法,专家组应以 书面 报告形式向DSB提交调查结果。

  • In addition to the written report Amtrak shall submit the track geometry data measured during the most recent track geometry inspection run prior to the test .

    除了 书面 报告以外,amtrak应当在试验之前,提交在最新的轨道几何形状检查中测得的轨道几何形状数据。

  • Written report answer the questions in the psychological contract experiment report on the pages following the expectations surveys .

    提交 报告在期望测试之后的页面上,在心理感受试验报告中回答问题。

  • Members shall submit written report of self-inspection to the exchange within the five trading days from the date knowing the list of aforesaid accounts .

    会员应当自得知上述账户名单之日起五个交易日内,向本所提交 书面自查 报告

  • Following an on-site inspection the surveyor prepared a written report on the property .

    进行现场勘查之后,测量员出具了这一地产的 书面 报告

  • If you are unfamiliar with the hazards associated with a particular gas contact your supplier for additional information . Monitoring civil progress compared to schedule & come up periodical written report .

    如果你对与特定气体相联系的危险不熟悉,请与你的供应商联系,以得到补充资料。参照时间表监控工地进度并定期 提交 书面 报告

  • Teams will document their efforts in a written report and make a formal presentation of their results .

    团队需要提交纪录专案过程的 书面 报告,并正式报告专案结果。

  • Grading will be based on the overall quality of the work both in oral presentations and in the written report – how interesting and relevant is the problem chosen ?

    专案的评分会根据工作的总质量来评定。工作质量主要看在口头演讲和 书面 备忘录中所选问题的趣味性和相关性如何?

  • Seller must attach written report stating details and results of inspection to such Quality Certificate .

    卖方应将 记载检验细节和结果的 书面 报告 在质量证明书内。

  • Problems sets and written report should not by turned in after the due dates ( late ) unless arrangements are made with me .

    习题集和 写作 报告 一律应在规定的时间内交上,除非和我协商。

  • After demanding the material be cut from the written report health ministry speakers at the conference surprised and puzzled foreign researchers by including the details about premature deaths in their oral presentation .

    在要求从 书面 报告中删除相关资料之后,卫生部发言人却在会上的口头陈述中包括了有关早亡的细节,这令外国研究者感到惊讶和困惑。

  • For the group project you will work in teams and hand in only one written report .

    对于专题作业,必须组队 完成,并且全组只要交一 报告即可。

  • Units that have obtained permits for dumping wastes shall make a detailed record of such operations and present a written report to the approving department thereafter .

    获准倾倒废弃物的单位,应当详细记录倾倒的情况,并在倾倒后向批准部门作出 书面 报告

  • The membership application should be attached with a written report issued by FCI member which designated by committee director .

    它的入会申请须附有一份由FCI执委会选定的FCI会员出具的 书面 报告

  • Foreign capital insurance company ought to accept China to protect what inspect can undertake lawfully to supervise an examination provide relevant document data and written report according to the facts must not refuse block up conceal .

    外资保险公司应当接受中国保监会依法进行的监督检查,如实提供有关文件、资料和 书面 报告,不得拒绝、阻碍、隐瞒。

  • There will be a brief oral and written report due in the second class based on your fact-finding .

    第二次课,在你们事实发掘的基础上,做一个简短的口头和 书面 报告