tank grounding


  • All of piping storage tank that need static grounding must be firmly grounded .

    需静电 的工艺管道及 贮罐应可靠接地。

  • This paper discussed electromagnetic interference mechanism according to tank & armored vehicles EMC characteristic and analyzed representative exception class of EMC . The article brought forward the control technique and improvement on grounding system .

    该文根据 坦克装甲车辆EMC特点,讨论了 系统产生电磁干扰的机理,分析了典型EMC故障,提出了 系统的控制技术和改进措施。

  • Discussed with the warships and ammunition into the tank ESD protection methods including risk of static power control facilities and equipment for static grounding and environmental humidification and electrostatic multi-channel data logging designed alarm system .

    同时讨论了舰艇弹药 的静电防护方法,主要包括危险静电源的控制、设施设备的静电 和环境增湿,并设计了静电多路巡检报警系统。