


  • Too much time was spent discussing tangential issues

    太多的时间花在了讨论 那些 无关紧要的问题上。

  • Experimental Research of Cold Aero-dynamical Field on Eight-square Double Tangential Circle Combustion System

    八角双 切圆燃烧系统冷态空气动力场试验研究

  • A method of the determination of the tire side-slip characteristics vertical and tangential stiffness and damping is given .

    提出了轮胎的侧偏特性、向和 轮胎刚度阻尼的确定方法。

  • Centripetal force and tangential force or centrifugal force and tangential force could be used as a strain analysis method .

    用向心力和 力或离心力和切向力进行胁变分析是可行的。

  • Sensitivity Analysis of Tangential Stiffness Coefficient for Contact Surface Element of Different Medium

    不同介质接触面单元 劲度系数的敏感性分析

  • In this paper difference method is used for solving tangential stress at the boundary on the basis of BEM .

    本文在边界元法分析的基础上,用差分法计算边界 应力。

  • The tangential movement of water rivulet has significant effects on the rain-wind induced vibration of stay-cables .

    风雨环境中斜拉索表面形成的水线及其 摆动在索的风雨振中起着关键的作用。

  • Furthermore having taken into account the effect of tangential distortion and gradient of the pixels so this approach has a more widely application .

    而且,由于充分考虑了 镜头 畸变和像素倾斜角的影响,故适用范围更广。

  • Do not confuse ever the tangential acceleration which is along the circumference with a centripetal acceleration .

    但是别把这个 加速度,它是沿着圆周的,和向心加速度混淆。

  • Surface electroosmosis method can reduce coal tangential resistance but the pole distribution affects the result of reducing resistance .

    表面电渗法可有效地减少煤的 阻力,但电极分布对电渗效果有很大影响。

  • Investigation of the Tangential Firing Anthracite Boiler for Nayong Power Plant ; In this paper the monitoring of two-dimensional velocity field in the tangentially fired furnace is studied by using an acoustic method and simulation .

    四角 切圆炉燃烧无烟煤技术在纳雍电厂300MW机组上的应用研究该文模拟研究了声波法四角切圆燃烧锅炉炉膛二维速度场监测方法。

  • The paper introduces measurements about dielectric constant and tangential loss angle of a group of good function and high frequency printed electronic circuit plate with microstrip circuit .

    介绍了利用微带电路来确定一组高性能、高频印刷电路板材料的介电常数和损耗角 正切的方法,且给出了一组印刷电路板材料的特性测量值。

  • Then the coarse code and subdivision code of which the angle is consisted were read out along the disc 's radial direction and tangential direction separately .

    然后,分别沿码盘的径向和 读取粗码和细分码,并由它们构成最终的角度值。

  • The angle of alpha will then be tangential to this point .

    α角将,与该点 相切

  • This paper introduces the steam temperature deviation in the superheater system of600MW tangential firing boiler and also introduces the reasons to cause these steam temperature deviations .

    阐述了 燃烧600MW锅炉过热器系统蒸汽温度分布特性,分析了这种温度分布特性产生的原因,并提出了解决过热器系统存在的蒸汽温度偏差的措施。

  • The forces in operation have the form of lateral or tangential thrust .

    作用力的形式是侧向冲断或 冲断。

  • For a small cover over a polytope its equivariant cobordism class is determined by the tangential representation set .

    多面体上的小覆盖的等变配边类是由它的 表示集所决定的。

  • Lines which are everywhere tangential to the direction of the flow of electric current are called streamlines .

    处处均与电流方向 相切 曲线称为流线。

  • Influences of friction coefficient and tangential stiffness of damper on the vibratory response are investigated .

    本文 对叶 摩擦阻尼器的工程优化设计方法进行了研究。

  • First is to set aside several cases that are tangential to the main theme .

    首先 抛开几个和主题 无关的例子。

  • It was validated that the relationship between the side resistance of piles and the difference of tangential displacement between two sides of the pile-soil interface could be expressed by hyperbola .

    验证了桩侧阻力与接触面两侧 位移差之间关系可以用双曲线表示。

  • They thought the whole thing was a side-show tangential to the real world of business .

    他们认为整件事情只是一个插曲, 真正的商界没有多大关系。

  • In tangential combustion system the reheat steam temperature can be adjusted by changing burner nozzle angle to just the flame position .


  • Each of circular dishes is subjected to the action of a tangential force .

    每个圆盘都受到 力的作用。

  • To improve the flux of membrane distillation a rotary tangential inflow method is used to enhance the mass transfer process and its numerical simulation and mechanism study have done .

    为了提高膜蒸馏通量,使用了旋转 入流的方式来强化传质过程,并对其作了深入的数值模拟和机理研究。

  • Compared to the direct quenching process the tangential and axial stresses of proposed cooling methods are both decreased then the microcrack formation and propagation is relieved .

    与直接淬火工艺相比,优化冷却工艺使钢管内的 和轴向残余应力均减小,从而降低和缓解了钢管内微裂纹的产生和扩展趋势。

  • Provide tangential nozzle design for level nozzles on the liquid sump .

    在液体排污箱上水平的接管提供 切线 方向接管设计。

  • The effects on flux of tangential flow rate time pressure and temperature were investigated .

    研究了 流方式的 板式 组件 流速、时间、压力、温度等对渗透通量的影响。