



  • It is free of tar and other substances which is harmful .

    它是免费的 焦油和其他有害物质。

  • The oil has hardened to tar

    油已经硬化成 柏油了。

  • Catalytic cracking is promised as one of the most potential tar removal method .

    催化裂解被认为是 焦油脱除方法中最有前途的一个。

  • Both dump and tar have their followings .

    dump和 tar都有一批拥护者。

  • A thick black tar intermediate between petroleum and asphalt .

    一种稠而黑的 焦油中间体,介于石油和沥青之间。

  • The modifying mechanisms of surfactants on coal tar pitch are also discussed .

    对表面活性剂改性煤 沥青的机理进行了比较深入地探讨。

  • The pipe is caked with tar .

    烟斗里渍了很多 油子

  • As we all know tobacco contains many toxic substances such as nicotine and tar .

    正如我们所知,烟草中含有许多有毒物质,如尼古丁和 焦油

  • What 's more one of the six compounds netilmicin showed a strong preference for TAR .

    更重要的是,六种化合物分子中的奈替米星表现出了一种对 TAR分子的高度选择性。

  • To discuss the treatment of reclaimed acid the treatment of acid tar and recovery of benzene oil-gas .

    并对再生酸、酸 焦油的处理及苯油气回收进行了探讨。

  • In the previous sections you 've used tar and rsync to create backups in a separate folder .

    在前面的部分中,您已经使用了 tar和rsync在单独的文件夹中创建相应的备份。

  • A pitch mesophase can be prepared from petroleum pitch and coal tar pitch .

    从石油沥青和煤 沥青中制取沥青中间相 物质

  • A paving material of tar and broken stone ; mixed in a factory and shaped during paving .


  • A colorless oily compound extracted from coal tar and used in manufacturing synthetic resins .

    一种无色油状的合成物,从煤 焦油中提取,用于制造合成树脂。

  • Peat tar has similar properties to the tar derived from the destructive distillation of wood .

    泥煤 焦油的性质和由木材干馏所得到的焦油的性质相似。

  • Any tar obtained by the destructive distillation of wood .

    对树木毁坏性干馏获取的 焦油

  • In this case it 's a gzipped tar archive .

    在这个示例中,它是一个压缩了的 tar存档文件。

  • I think it 's roofing tar .

    我想是屋顶用的 柏油

  • Ingredients in biomass tar and its distillate were analyzed by GC-MS-MS.

    采用气相色谱-质谱联机(GC-MS)对生物质 焦油及其馏分进行成分分析研究。

  • But both tar and scp fail to synchronize the contents of the local and remote directories .

    但是 tar和scp都无法对本地和远程目录中的内容进行同步。

  • I am a football supporter and I have to often explain that I 'm not one of the hooligan sort because we 'll all get tarred with the same brush when there 's trouble .

    我是足球迷,经常要解释我不是那种足球流氓,因为一旦出事,我们就会被当成是 一路货色

  • In addition the tar zipped file has been removed .

    此外,删除了 tar压缩文件。

  • Right mix of anthracite and modification of tar washing oil residue usage and other major factors are discussed .

    对无烟煤的配合比和改性 焦油洗油残渣用量等主要影响因素进行了探讨。

  • Ammonia coal tar and coke are all by-products obtained in the manufacture of coal gas .

    氨气、煤 焦油、焦煤都是煤气生产过程中的副产品。

  • They drove across the river to New Hampshire on a hot tar road .

    他们沿着一条滚烫的 柏油路开过了河,来到新罕布什尔州。

  • If you must smoke choose a cigarette with a low tar and nicotine content .

    如果你非要抽烟的话,选择一种 焦油和尼古丁含量低的烟。

  • Carbon foams were prepared from coal tar pitch petroleum mesophase pitch and AR pitch .

    分别以煤 沥青、石油中间相沥青和AR沥青为前驱体制备炭泡沫材料。

  • Performance : series in the coal tar fats petroleum solvents and vegetable oils turpentine completely dissolved .

    性能:在煤 焦油系列、脂类、石油类溶剂中及植物油,松节油中完全溶解。

  • Pitch and pitch coke obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars .

    从煤 焦油或其他矿物焦油所得的沥青及沥青焦。