tape copy

[tep ˈkɑpi][teip ˈkɔpi]


  • With the files in one location you can back up to tape disk or copy the contents to another machine without having to reorganize the source files .

    如果文件位于同一个位置,那么您可以将其备份到 磁带、磁盘,或 这些内容 复制到另一台计算机,而无需对源文件进行重新组织。

  • Magnetic Tape and Its Program Conversion and Copy

    磁带及其 磁带程序转换和 复制

  • Swapping the filesystems over is quicker than restoring from tape and you also have a copy of the failed upgraded filesystem for further diagnostics .

    交换文件系统比从 磁带恢复快,而且还可以 保留升级失败的文件系统供进一步诊断。

  • I do not had this tape and that 's why I 'd like to make a copy of it .

    我没有这 磁带,所以我想 复制

  • RECORDING MECHAMISM OF DIGITAL SINGNAL ON TAPE decreasing the times of data copy ;

    数字信号 磁带录取机理减少数据 拷贝次数;

  • Recording the situations and materials relevant to examination by means of note taking tape and visual recording photographing and copy .

    对与检查事项有关的情况和资料进行记录、 录音、录像、照相和 复制

  • This virtual file system realizes access by name including tape file creation tape file read tape file update tape file deletion tape file copy tape file renaming and tape defragment .

    该虚拟文件系统包括磁带文件创建、文件读取、文件更新、文件删除、文件 拷贝、文件重命名以及 磁带存储空间碎片整理等操作。

  • Easy to integrate do you want to compress backup ? Backup it to tape FTP or any network backup software-it is easy as you just need to copy files .

    容易保持完整性想要压缩备份文件吗?把它们备份到 磁带上,ftp或者网络备份软件&十分简单,因为只需要 拷贝文件即可。

  • It can be used to check write and read a EPROM verify and save program to tape and load program from tape to EPROM . It also can be used to copy EPROM .

    将程序记入磁带和从 磁带上读入程序并写入到EPROM芯片中去, 复制EPROM等许多强有力的功能。

  • Do not use a bit-image method of backup ( like a tape streamer ) because this will copy the virus .

    不要使用位元影像的方法(如 磁带机)备份,因为这样会 病毒一起 拷贝下来。

  • However rather than copy files and a directory structure to a tape you can also use tar to copy into a file .

    然而,除了可以将文件和目录结构复制到 磁带,您还可以使用tar将 它们 复制到一个文件。

  • Tape provides another technical differentiator from disk systems that addresses both security and data protection concerns : a completely offline copy of data .

    磁带提供与磁盘系统不同的技术区别,离线 备份能够解决安全和数据保护问题。