




  • Sometimes they 've snapped off the security tag and just taken the one shoe .

    有时候,他们把防盗 标签扯掉,顺走那一只鞋。

  • In Britain jazz is losing its elitist tag and gaining a much broader audience .

    在英国,爵士乐不再是精英人物的 专利,它正吸引着越来越多的听众。

  • It requires at least a URL a person and a tag table .

    它至少需要一个URL、一个person和一个 标记表。

  • More-sophisticated tags can work with attributes and the tag body .

    更复杂的标记中可以处理属性和 标记体。

  • This tag requires one more attribute : name .


  • I lost my claim tag .

    我掉了认领 标签了。

  • You can see in the implementation file that there is a tag which contains a tag .

    您可以在实现文件中看到有一个 标记,它包含一个标记。

  • Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers

    奥尔教授发明了用现有实验室激光 设备 化学分子做 记号的种种有趣的办法。

  • For this you create a tag library that defines tags and EL functions .

    为此,创建定义标记的 标记库和EL函数。

  • The tag takes an id and value attribute .


  • I took out redundant xmlns for the same source and moved unique xmlns within the HTML tag .

    我去掉了同一源代码中多余的xmlns,并且在HTML 标记中去掉了惟一的xmlns。

  • Firefox profile template location and other arguments can be specified in the tag .

    Firefoxprofile模板位置和其他参数可以指定在 标记中。

  • Within that tag I iterate around the tags and export them as rows within the HTML .

    在此 标记中,我循环遍历了各个标记,并将它们导出为HTML中的行。

  • The most important trees were tagged to protect them from being damaged by construction machinery .

    最珍贵的树木都被 标签,以防被建筑机械毁坏。

  • This listing contains a tag which wraps a number of tags each representing a Java bean .

    该列表中含有一个 标记,它包装了大量的子标记,每一个标记代表一个Javabean。

  • She seems quite happy to tag along with them .

    她好像很乐意 跟着他们。

  • A hospital is to fit newborn babies with electronic tags to foil kidnappers

    一家医院计划在新生儿身上安置电子 追踪器,防止婴儿被拐卖

  • Each tag defines that variable 's name and data type .

    每一个 标记定义了每个变量的名称和数据类型。

  • Staff wore name tags .


  • Ballpark estimates indicate a price tag of $ 90 million a month .

    大致的估计费用为每月 9万美元。

  • In this case we create an image ( img tag ) inside of a div.

    在这里,我们在一个div中创建一个图像(img 标记)。

  • Both the name and value attributes for this tag are required .


  • I let him tag along because he had not been too well recently

    我让他 跟着我,因为最近他身体不舒服。

  • Now you have a tag database and a glossary that contains the English strings and the translated strings .

    至此,已经有了一个 标记数据库和一个包含英文字符串和翻译后的字符串的词汇表。

  • Every article has a price tag on it .

    商品都 了价格。

  • The price tag on the 34-room white Regency mansion is £ 17.5 million .

    那栋有34个房间的摄政时期的白色官邸报价为 1万英镑。

  • This tag provides pagination controls for displaying view contents as well as results from a search .

    这个 标签为显示视图内容和搜索结果提供了分页控制。

  • I can 't say it justifies the price tag of £ 150

    我认为它值不了 150英镑。