

  • I took him to the Y.

    我把他带到了 基督教 青年 旅馆

  • Select ( what is ) x and reject ( what is ) y.

    取其x,弃其 y

  • And u and v will be some functions of x and y.

    然后,u和v将会以x和 y的方程的 形式 表达

  • I have my coordinates and I will try to use x and y.

    有了坐标,试着用x和 y 表示

  • Y OK so let 's say that we have a function of two variables x and y.

    假设有一个函数 含有2个变量x和

  • Y So you use maybe longitude and latitude ; that 's x and y.

    可以使用经度和纬度作为 x和。

  • It is the postal address of x and the postal address of y.

    它是x的通讯地址,和 y的通讯地址

  • Well this is a surface for which we know z is a function of x and y.

    这是关于x和 y的函数曲面。

  • In general it is a function of x and y.

    一般情况下,是一个关于x和 y的函数

  • This expression is more exclusive than not ( x = y ) because the node must have x and y.

    这个表达式比not(x=y)限制更严格,因为它选择的节点必须具有x和 y

  • In x = 5y x is a function of Y.

    在x=5y中,x是 y的函数

  • The unknowns in our equations y will have to be a and b not x and y.


  • It becomes a function of x and y.

    现在就变成一个关于x和 y的方程了

  • And now * you may want to abandon now this one-dimensional idea of x and y.

    你也许现在想放弃,这个关于x和 y 方向的一元观点

  • Z So for example z you can think of z as a function of x and y.

    例如变量,可以把z想象成一个x和 y的函数

  • That 's the equation in y.

    这就是 y的方程

  • After reading the value of x in % edx it allocated the same register for y.

    在读取了%edx中x的值后,它为 y也分配了相同的寄存器

  • You just exchange roles of x and y.

    你只需换一下x和 y的角色

  • But that 's not the problem . It 's still a valid function of x and y.

    但那不是问题,它仍然是个关于x和 y的有效函数。

  • Name the shapes of X and Y.

    写出形状X和形状 Y的名称

  • Let x be the equal of y.

    设x等于 y

  • Simple organisms such as bacteria and alga have been found fossil in rocks more than 3000 m. y. old .

    简单的生物,如细菌和藻类, 它们的化石已在 三十多亿年的岩石中发现。

  • Just write a program to find the max of x and y.

    就写个程序找出浮点数x和 y中的最大值

  • But we still would be computing the average values of x and y.

    但还是在计算x和 y的平均值

  • Once you 've done that you are left with the question of finding bounds for x and y.

    一旦你这么做了,你会遇到找x和 y边界的问题

  • Mr X met Miss Y.

    x先生遇见了 Y小姐

  • It is whatever the formula is for z as a function of x and y.

    无论公式里,z是x和 y的什么函数。