yacht club

[jɑt klʌb][jɔt klʌb]


  • This paper would be divided into four parts : The first part would be the general introduction of yacht club and its members .

    将从以下四个部分予以论述:第一部分为 游艇 俱乐部概述。

  • A key member of the San Diego Yacht Club team is splitting off to form his own team .

    圣迭戈 帆船 俱乐部队的一名主力队员正要离队去成立自己的队伍。

  • The annual regatta of the yacht club

    一年一度的 游艇 俱乐部赛船大会

  • The planning and design of Yacht Club

    游艇 俱乐部的规划设计

  • By the way Daniel do you know the Golden Coast is where the Hong Kong Yacht Club is located ?

    对了,大牛。你知道吗?这黄金海岸还是香港 私人 游艇 的所在地之一呢?

  • Ask anyone at the yacht club .

    游艇 俱乐部问任何人。

  • The food city will be consisted of a small town yacht club mountain mini-golf driving range rock climbing clubs and other facilities while provide rural tourism service .

    一期投资额约18亿元,建成后的美食城里面有风情小镇、乡村旅游、 游艇 俱乐部、山地迷你高尔夫练习场、攀岩俱乐部等设施。

  • The men in the yacht club wear navy Blazers with gold buttons .

    游艇 俱乐部的人们穿着带有金钮扣的海军运动夹克衫。

  • As a new recreation item yacht club has been gradually appearing in China .

    游艇 俱乐部 近些年在我国逐步兴起的 高档体育娱乐项目。

  • The second phase of International Yacht Club of our Group company are in building which is managed as international rules .

    集团公司下属的 游艇 俱乐部二期工程正在建设中。

  • This photo was taken by me at a Yacht club in Singapore somewhere in Tanah Merah .

    这张照片是我在新加坡的国防部队的 假日营所拍的。

  • The yacht club retains its royal monicker and the noonday gun still stands guard nearby .

    游艇 俱乐部还保留着皇家的名号,正午的炮声仍会在附近响起。

  • Yacht club opens a new field in domestic leisure sports market after golf club .

    游艇 俱乐部是国内休闲运动领域继高尔夫运动之后的一个新天地。

  • There 's a party for him tomorrow night at the yacht club .

    明天晚上,在 游艇 俱乐部有一场为他举办的派对。

  • Long Cheer Yacht Club is the first yacht club established in China and it has been honored as the model for domestic yacht club programs .

    游艇 是国内首家已建成的大型游艇会,并被誉为国内游艇会项目建设的样板。

  • Constructions mainly involve ecological wetland park distinctive resort town golf course with ocean view waterfront townhouse villas residential development amusement park and yacht club .

    项目建设内容包括生态湿地公园、特色风情度假小镇、海景高尔夫球场、五星级度假酒店、滨水排屋别墅、住宅开发、游乐园、 游艇 俱乐部等。

  • Today one of the events in the schedule caught our eyes : 11:00a . m. : renewal of marriage vows ; archdeacon Robert willing ; the yacht club .

    今天的日程表中有一项引起了我们的注意:上午11点钟:神父罗伯特-威林在 帆船 俱乐部主持重申婚姻誓言仪式。

  • The super recreational Yacht Club along with high-level sports car private jets is becoming a symbol of identity and dignity .

    游艇 俱乐部是高档的休闲 消费项目,它与高级跑车、私人飞机一起正成为显示身份和尊贵的一种象征。

  • With the hotels unique positioning all our guest will have direct access to the Marina as well as the International yacht club .

    独一无二的地理位置,使所有入住青岛海尔洲际酒店的宾客都有机会与青岛海港及 游艇 俱乐部零距离接触。

  • The yacht dock project includes four parts such as yacht club trestle viewing platform and dock .

    游艇码头含 游艇 俱乐部、栈桥、观景平台、 游艇码头四部分。

  • The first phase of Yacht Club is opening now we can supply good facilities and thoughtful service .

    符合 国际化管理 标准,并能提供完善设施和服务的一期 游艇 码头已对外开放。

  • The Gold Coast Yacht and Country Club fully supports the event in terms of recruiting participants and providing free berthing for participating boats .

    黄金海岸乡村 俱乐部游艇 全力支持是次活动,除代为招募参加者外,更提供免费停泊位置予参加船只。

  • Listen can you meet me at the yacht club ?

    你能现在到 游艇 俱乐部来吗?