tank table


  • The methods can automatically import oil tank level - volume table and more it improve the efficiency of translation and import .

    该方法可方便地将 容积 自动输入 数据库,提高了容积 的转换效率。

  • Research on U-tube Anti-rolling Tank and Test Rolling Table Experimentation

    U型减摇水 及试验摇摆 实验研究

  • Moscowitz and Silverman their ire reaching cosmic dimensions rocked the tank to and fro until it toppled off its table smashing its glass walls and flooding the hexagonal-tile floor .

    莫斯科维茨和希尔弗曼,怀着直抵广袤宇宙的忿怒,使劲地来回摇动 箱,直到它从 桌子上掉落下来。

  • Vertical Metallic Tank Bottom Volume Table Formulation

    立式金属 底量容积 的编制

  • The Best Way to Solve the Problem of Oil Tank Volume Table in Gas Station

    当前解决加油站 油罐容积 问题的有效途径

  • Zone ⅲ being a stable zone will have a stable state of bottom plates and a constant volume increment and it is required to carry out a strapping table correction for real tank volume to replace the invalidated strapping table for empty tank .

    第Ⅲ区为稳定区,罐底板总体处于稳定状态,增量保持恒定,空罐容积 不再适用,必须进行实 容积表修正。

  • For translating the oil level into volume that the oil tank contains in this level methods are studied that identify an oil tank level - volume table ( printed on paper ) and then import it into database in this paper .

    为了能在计算机中实现 储油液位和容积的自动换算,本文研究油罐容积 自动识别并导入数据库的方法。

  • In metering petroleum and its liquid products the metering errors produced mainly are as follows ; volume calibration of tank measuring instruments human mistake and improper use of the petroleum conversion table .

    在石油及其液体产品的贸易计量交接过程中,造成油品计量误差的原因主要有四个方面,即 油罐容积标定的误差、石油计量器具误差、计量操作误差以及使用石油计量换算 不当造成的误差。

  • The responsibilities for emergency response to tank overflow of personnel concerned onboard are shown in table 3.2.4 .

    负责船体泄漏应急响应的各有关人员的职责见 3.2.4

  • In this paper the problem of nonlinear coupling vibration for a liquid storage tank bottom of which is uplifted under the action of horizontal or vertical excitation is studied by experiment on the vibration table .

    通过储液 模型在水平和竖向振动 的提离振动实验,对 底与基础接触边界移动的 非线性耦联振动问题进行了研究。

  • The Model Test of Unanchored Tank on Shaking Table

    自由浮置 的振动 模型实验