tank manifold


  • NOTE : The water tank is pressurized by air from the pneumatic manifold or an different pressure source connected to the air valve on the water service panel .

    注: 水箱由来自气源 总管的空气增压,或由连接到水勤务面板上的空气活门的不同压力源提供。

  • There are 6 oil wells in the south plot adopting the middle plot process flow but constructed a 30 m high racking oil tank at the oil collecting manifold room so that for transport oil by car .

    北块有6口油井,仍然采用中块的集油流程,但在集油 间建一座30m3高架 集油,采用油罐车拉油;

  • Customer installations generally include a tank vaporizer and pressure control manifold .

    用户使用的设备一般包括 储存 、汽化器和压力控制