


  • Objective : To study pathogenic species of taeniasis and factors causing its epidemic in Duyun Guizhou .

    目的:了解贵州省都匀市河阳乡 绦虫 的流行因素及病原 种,为防治措施的制定提供依据。

  • Results All the 15 taeniasis patients were cured with a curative rate of 100 % .

    结果 对于 绦虫 现症病人15例,全部 绦虫驱虫率100.00%;

  • Results : In Wenzhou the serum antibody positive rate of cysticercus cellulosae was 0.61 % prevalence of Taeniasis suis and cysticercosis cellulosae was 0.02 % and 0.09 % respectively .

    结果:温州地区人群血清囊虫抗体阳性率为0.61%, 绦虫 率为0.02%,囊虫病现惠率为0.09%。

  • Epidemiological research on taeniasis sois and cysticercosis cellulosae in Wenzhou

    温州地区 人群 绦虫 /囊虫病流行病学调查

  • Epidemiological analysis of taeniasis / cysticercosis during 1986-1998 in Dali Prefecture

    1986~1998年大理州人群 /囊虫病流行病学分析

  • To obtain epidemiological data of taeniasis and cysticercosis a survey was carried out in 1997 in the middle part of Shandong Province of China and 35 512 persons in 56 villages of 22 townships from 5 counties were investigated .

    为摸清 鲁中 地区 /囊虫病 流行 情况,1997年对 平阴等5县(区)22处乡(镇)56个自然村的35512人进行了调查。

  • Epidemiological survey on the taeniasis and cysticercosis in eastern Qinghai Province

    青海省东部地区 绦虫 和囊虫病流行现状调查

  • Analysis of 2824 cysticercosis and taeniasis cases

    2824例猪 /囊虫病例分析

  • An epidemiological investigation on taeniasis suis and cysticercosis was carried out in 2 townships in Xide County Sichuan Province .

    本文 报道 绦虫病及囊虫病在四川喜德县两个乡的 流行 情况

  • Jasper makeup into a tree height million lop green silk taeniasis .


  • So it should enhance the preventive measures of taeniasis arid cysticercosis and related healthy education .

    应进一步加强 囊虫病的防治和健康教育工作。

  • Epidemiological survey on taeniasis and cysticercosis in major epidemic areas of Shandong Province

    山东省 绦虫 与囊虫病重点疫区流行现状调查研究

  • Clinical study and electron microscope observation of tapeworm scolices on 548 cases of taeniasis treated with Binlang Chengqi Decoction

    槟榔承气汤治疗 绦虫 548例临床疗效及绦虫头节的电镜观察

  • Compared Analysis on the Diagnostic Values of Circulating Antibody and Antigen in 507 Taeniasis and Cysticercosis Patients with CT Staging

    507例 、囊虫病人循环抗体与循环抗原测定结果与脑CT分型对照分析

  • Methods Three villages were selected as investigated sites according to economic status and geographical position . Retrospective questionnaire was used to investigate the infection situation of taeniasis / cysticercosis and the epidemic factors .

    方法根据经济状况和地理方位选择3个调查村,采用回顾性问卷调查方式调查 居民 /囊虫病感染情况和流行因素;

  • Methods By house to house interview in the field fecal examination and serological tests the prevalence data of taeniasis and cysticercosis in human and pig population and epidemiological factors in relation to the diseases were carried out .

    方法采用现场访问、粪便检查及血清学检测等方法对 绦虫 和囊尾蚴病人群的感染流行状况、猪囊尾蚴感染情况及有关流行因素进行调查分析。

  • Objective To understand epidemiologic status of taeniasis and cysticercosis in the north area of Shangdong Province .

    目的调查分析 鲁北 地区 绦虫 与囊虫病的流行情况。

  • Field study on control measures for taeniasis and cysticercosis

    控制 /囊虫病措施的现场研究

  • The risk factors of infected taeniasis was relation to eat raw pork and liver .

    其中吃生猪肝 绦虫 的危险度 较高

  • Clinical studies on the effect of Areca and Cucurbitae semina on Taeniasis bovis

    槟榔南瓜子佐用治疗牛肉 绦虫 的临床研究

  • Objective To observe the effect and mechanism of Chinese herbs in the treatment of taeniasis .

    目的观察槟榔 汤治疗 绦虫 的效果及作用机制。

  • The results showed that taeniasis suis and cysticercosis were heavily prevailing in Xide County . The associated factors regarding prevalence were also discussed in the article .

    通过调查证实了凉山地区喜德县 绦虫病和囊虫病流行是严重的,并对造成流行的因素进行了讨论。

  • Epidemiological Study on Taeniasis and Cysticercosis in Shandong Province

    山东省 绦虫 和囊尾蚴病流行病学调查

  • For this reason this article will outline progress on laboratory animal models for cysticercosis and human taeniasis especially achievements on rodents laboratory animal models as well a.

    因此,本文就猪囊虫和猪 绦虫 实验动物模型,尤其对啮齿类动物模型上取得的成就,以及新的研究 动态 策略进行概述。

  • Taeniasis is an important medical and economic problem in many countries in East asia .

    摘要 绦虫 在亚洲许多国家 形成 公共卫生及严重经济问题。

  • The efficacy of paromomycin in the treatment of taeniasis a report of 415 cases

    巴龙霉素治疗 绦虫 415例疗效观察

  • Objective To know the epidemiological situation of taeniasis / cysticercosis in Eastern Qinghai Province .

    目的了解和 掌握青海省东部地区 绦虫 和囊虫病的流行现状。

  • We conclude that paromomycin is a safe effective drug for the treatment of taeniasis .

    我们认为口服巴龙霉素是一种安全、有效的 绦虫药物。