


  • The yearlong changes of the meat condition index proteins lipids and glycogen correlated with the reproductive season .

    度、蛋白质、脂肪和糖原的 周年变化与繁殖季节有关。

  • Do you want to explore the city life of a school in NewYork or are you more interested in the yearlong warm weather at a Californiacampus ?

    你想体验纽约大都会的生活节奏还是对加州 四季如春的气候更感兴趣?

  • Through tricks and persuasion I got my husband on board and on Jan.1 we launched a yearlong household embargo on Chinese imports .

    经过 略施小计和一 苦口婆心的劝说,我把丈夫也争取过来。于是,1月1日,我家开始了 为期 抵制中国产品的活动。

  • Celia Erickson a 24-year-old server at Eleven Madison has an undergraduate degree in hospitality from Cornell University and completed a yearlong wine and beverage program at the Culinary Institute of America ( where her father is provost ) .

    24岁的西莉亚・埃里克森(CeliaErickson)是ElevenMadison的一名服务员,她持有康奈尔大学酒店管理的学士学位,并且在美国厨艺学院(她的父亲是院长)完成了 一年制的葡萄酒和饮料培训项目。

  • A Study on the Marketability and Countermeasures of Implementing Tour Yearlong Ticket & A Case Study of Shaanxi Tour Yearlong Ticket

    旅游 年票推行的市场化及其发展策略研究&以陕西旅游年票为例

  • After a yearlong preparation work in investigation arrangement and classification the asset portfolios are now ready to be promoted to the public and to be gradually launched on the market .

    多来,经过调查、整理和分类等工作,这部分资产已具备了向市场推介的 条件,将逐步投放市场。

  • Cambodia a major recipient of Chinese aid seems to have shattered regional consensus for the second time during its yearlong rotational chairmanship of ASEAN .

    得到中国大量援助的柬埔寨,似乎在东盟 轮值主席国的 任期内第二次破坏了地区共识。

  • Among other things the yearlong period includes opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed listing .


  • She came back after a yearlong absence .

    外出 整整 后回家了。

  • Perovich was chief scientist on Ice Station SHEBA a yearlong drift of an icebreaker frozen into the Arctic pack ice .


  • The UN said on Tuesday more than 9000 civilians had been killed in the yearlong conflict between the regime and the popular armed movement seeking to overthrow Mr Assad .

    联合国周二称,叙利亚政权和试图推翻 巴沙尔阿萨德的民间武装之间 长达 的冲突,已经造成超过9000名平民死亡。