




  • But in that case you will have to pay telex charge .

    当然,那样的话,您必须自己付 电传费用。

  • He sent a telex to his office .

    他向他的办公室发了一份 电传 电报

  • The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by telex or telegram .

    提出解释要求和相应的回答均应是书面的,或通过 电传或电报进行。

  • Booking point of telephone and telex calls

    电话和 电传呼叫的挂号地点

  • We had our own telex facilities .

    我们有我们自己的 电传设施。

  • Dispatcher 's telex consulting code .

    发送者的 电传参照号;

  • In electronic communication where a message is conveyed directly to its destination for example telex .

    在电子通信中,将报文直接发送到接收点,如 用户 电报

  • But telex can only transmit written message . It cannot transmit diagrams or patterns .

    可是 电传只能传送文字,不能传送图表或图案。

  • Excuse me is this the right counter for telex service ?

    对不起,这里是 办理 用户 电报的柜台吗?

  • I don 't write letters anymore I just telex instead .

    我不再写信,而是 发电

  • The telex code of receiver the corresponding code and the code name of the recipient country .

    接受者的 电传 号码,回应号码和接受者的国家代号;

  • I am qualified as a telex operator although I have never used this model teletypewriter .

    虽然我未用过这种电传打字机,但我有资格担任 电传操作员。

  • About my telex call to Hong Kong I can 't wait any longer .

    是有关我 的香港 用户 电报,我不能再等了。

  • They telexed British Airways .

    他们 英国航空公司 电传

  • The telex chattered all day and night with news bulletins .

    电传 没日没夜“嗒嗒嗒”地接收新闻稿。

  • Thank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634 .

    公司9月23日询问有关634号印花棉布价格的 电传已收到,多谢来函。

  • An enterprise 's application may be submitted by letter telegram telex facsimile electronic data interchange or e-mail etc.

    企业的申请可以通过信函、报、 、真、子数据交换和电子邮件等方式提出。

  • I suggest you read some books about how to write good telex massages if you have time .

    如果有时间的话,我建议你多读一些关于怎样写好 电传电文的书籍。

  • Yesterday evening I received a telex from my head office .

    昨晚我收到总部 来的 电传

  • Then the telegram was replaced by the telex machine which was followed by the facsimile .

    后来电报被 电传机取代,后者又被传真机所取代。

  • The embassy says it has telexed their demands to the foreign ministry

    大使馆表示已 通过 电传 他们的要求 发送给外交部了。

  • We 've installed a new telex in the office .

    我们在办公室里装了一台新 电传

  • Subscribers to a telex service can exchange textual communications and data directly with one another .


  • Please ensure that you enter the full delivery address and telephone fax or telex numbers .

    请确保输入完整派件地址,以及电话、传真或 电报号码。

  • Trained personnel handled telephone international fax and telex bookings .

    训练有素的职员可以负责处理电话、国际传真及 电传预约。

  • We can provide secretarial and translation services and we of course have fax and telex .

    我们可以提供秘书,翻译服务,我们当然有传真和 电传

  • He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi .

    他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了 电传