telephone modem


  • According to the general implement method and application of voice system of data query based on public telephone network ( PTN ) a low price scheme is put forwarded to based on voice modem a flow chart is delivered fluency of voice processing is solved principally .

    基于 电话网络的数据查询语音系统的一般实现及应用,提出了基于语音 MODEM的低成本实现方案,给出了程序实现流程图,并重点解决了语音处理的连续性问题。

  • The following problems will exist if the Modem and telephone lines are used to communicate . The instable Modem dial-up way leads to the interruption . The operators need waiting for the operation for a long time and it can not transmit amount of information .

    若采用Modem和 电话线通信,则存在以下问题: Modem拨号方式不稳定,经常中断,建立通信速度慢,操作员操作等待时间长,传输数据信息量不大。

  • The image capture and compression card can transmit code stream over telephone wire via Modem and the receiver uses software to decompress the code . In the system we choose the MPEG-4 standard to compress the video and audio .

    图像采集压缩板将压缩后的图像码流通过 Modem 电话线相连;我们选择了Mpeg4标准来对视音频信号进行压缩,压缩后的Mpeg4码流通过PCI桥芯片传给控制软件。

  • In 19803 with the rapid development of the microcomputer except for the original teleprocessing . The common terminal is connected with computer through Rs-232c terminal signal directly instead of the public telephone network and modem .

    八十年代随着微型计算机的迅猛发展,除了原来的远距离连接外,一般终端都直接通过RS-232C端号与计算机连接,而不再使用公用 网络和 调制解调器

  • 14 Can connect normal telephone cordless telephone facsimile machine computer modem .

    可连接普通电话,无绳 电话,传真机,电脑 调制解调器

  • Base on the market requirement we provided the E1 time slot switch E1 special telephone line orderwire wire communication channel MODEM dial short message and other wireless transmission channels .

    本课题根据当前的市场需求,提供了E1时隙分插、专用 E1线路、公务信道、 MODEM拨号、短信、无线传输等多种数据传输方式,完全可以满足未来用户的需求。

  • An accountant stays home to care for her sick child ; she hooks up her telephone modem connections and does office work between calls to the doctor .

    一位会计师在家照顾她生病的孩子, 接通 电话 调制解调器的接头,在同医生通话之余完成办公室工作。

  • The article presents the method to make computers join Internet only with a telephone wire a modem and a ISP account .

    介绍仅用一条 电话线,一个 Modem,一个ISP帐号连接多个计算机到Internet网的方法。

  • The information could be transferred on the power line in the form of digital signal or on the telephone line by a modem with and image .

    信息可以数字信号的形式在电力线上传输,也可通过 调制解调器直接传输图象信号。

  • The provider will give out the appropriate telephone and modem numbers which the conference leaders then needs to distribute to other participants .

    供应商将公布相应的 电话 Modem号码,会议主持人需要把这些号码分配给其他与会者。

  • In this paper the data communication technique of remote FDD system by telephone and MODEM is introduced the master is IBM-PC the slaves are single-chip microcomputer and its using is successful .

    介绍了一种以 PC机为主机单片机为从机的远程监控系统数据传输技术,并且将它成功地应用于电梯运行状态的远程监控。

  • Implementing the Long-distance Warning by Telephone Line with MODEM Controlled by a Single-chip Microcomputer

    单片机控制 MODEM实现 电话远程报警

  • Anyone who has ever downloaded a large file through a telephone modem can attest to that .

    任何人通过 电话 调制解调器下载一个大文件都会碰到这个问题。

  • Years ago people could only access the Internet through the telephone line connected to the modem . Now people can have more options .

    相比较从前只能通过 电话线连接的 调制解调器来接入互联网,如今人们有了更多的选择。

  • Nowadays the means to transmit the information with the traditional fax is to change the scanned images or graphs into the data transmitted through telephone networks by translating the date and analogue signals with the modulation and demodulation ( MODEM ) .

    传统传真机传递信息的方式是将扫描的图像/图形等信息转换成数据,采用 调制解调器完成数据与模拟信号的转换(即调制与解调),通过 电话网传送。

  • The Development of Telephone Modem

    Modem 技术的发展

  • Common network accessing methods are : telephone line + modem ISDN DDN and broadband access and each has its own pros and cons .

    比较常见的网络接入方式有四种: 电话线+ 调制解调器接入,ISDN方式接入,DDN专线接入和宽带方式接入。

  • This system utilizes telephone network and modem to transmit files between long-range computers by autodial .

    本系统利用 电话网和 MODEM(调制解调器)通过自动拨号未实现远程的文件传输。

  • The basic operation principle of telephone MODEM and current working way is discussed the interface methods of the single-chip computer terminal and MODEM .

    论述了有线 电话 MODEM的基本工作原理和常用工作方式;

  • Remote monitoring via telephone / modem .

    可通过 电话 调制解调器进行远程监控。

  • A Telephone Order System Based on Modem

    基于 MODEM 电话订货系统的开发和设计

  • Please disconnect the telephone cord of the MODEM when using this tool .

    当使用这个工具之前请先断开 调制解调器 电话线连接。

  • With the quantity unceasingly grows telephone facsimile modem and computer are demanding more and more high to the band width to transmit the Gbit digitized information ( video frequency picture constructs model procedure as well as data and pronunciation and so on ) .

    数量不断增长的 电话、传真、 调制解调器和计算机,它们对带宽的需求越来越高,以用来传送吉比特数字化信息(视频、图像、建模程序以及数据和语音等)。

  • Usually when Blunt and Arthur met Arthur recorded the conversation openly on a hand tape recorder . An illegal means of accessing computer data via a telephone link using a modem or acoustic coupler .

    阿瑟同布伦特会面时通常都用手提式录音机把谈话内容公开录下来。通过 调制解调器或声耦合器连接 电话线路而获取计算机内资料的一种非法手段。

  • She often hooks up her telephone modem connections .

    她经常连接上 电话 调制解调器

  • This paper focuses on how to realize the TAPI-based programming utilizing VC + + connect the computer with the Beijing CES through modem dial-up service and realize the Chinese communication between land and Inmarsat-C SES through users ? telephone wire and modem .

    利用VC++实现基于TAPI的调制解调器编程,使微机通过调制解调器的拨号功能与北京地面站相接,并使用户能通过 调制解调器经由用户 电话线直接完成陆地方与Inmarsat-C船站间的中文通信。

  • Configure your telephone dialing rules and modem settings .

    配置您的 电话拨号规则和 调制解调器设置。

  • Through a serial port the computer implements the functions of a telephone through the modem .

    电脑通过串行口 控制 MODEM,实现 电话机的功能,而无 真正的 电话机

  • An illegal means of accessing computer data via a telephone link using a modem or acoustic coupler .

    通过 调制解调器或声耦合器连接 电话线路而获取计算机内资料的一种非法手段。

  • One way hackers access a system is to employ spoofing by dialing thousands of telephone numbers in search of a way in through a modem connection .

    其中一个方法黑客进入一个制度是雇用欺骗,拨打成千上万的 电话号码,在寻找一种办法是通过 调制解调器连接。