


  • In the telethon we were telling everyone what it is like now in Yushu what people are doing we recounted moments of the disaster and the rescue efforts .

    在本 活动上,我们向每个人讲述了玉树 灾区 现状 他们了解 灾区人民正在做些什么,同时也回顾了灾难发生时以及救援过程中的难忘瞬间。

  • Fantastic Mr Fox star George Clooney hosted the Hope For Haiti Now telethon which was broadcast all over the world .

    《了不起的狐狸先生 主角乔治·克鲁尼是 当晚 主持人,这 现在给海地希望 在全球范围内播出。

  • So many people and organizations around the country want to help . By presenting a telethon we are providing a platform for all them to give a hand said Jin who also directed the station ` s annual Spring Festival gala this year .

    金越说:全国上下,如此多的个人及机构 乐意 伸出 援手。通过 举办 这次 特别 节目,我们为他们提供了一个援助灾区的平台。

  • Donations raised during the telethon will go to the Ministry of Civil Affairs the Red Cross Society of China and the China Charity Federation according to Jin Yue director of the four-hour telethon .

    节目 4小时。导演金越表示, 节目集善 全数捐给民政部、中国红十字会以及中华慈善总会。

  • As the telethon continued into the second day the contributions were rolling in .

    拉松 电视 募捐 节目持续到第二天时,捐款就源源而来了。

  • She has been an investigator of the Italian Telethon Foundation since 1996 .

    从1996年起, 卡他 尼欧 也是义大利 电视 拉松基金 的研究员。

  • Within days many top musicians actors and TV personalities joined forces to participate in a Tribute to Heroes celebrity telethon for the United Way .

    几天之内,众多顶级的音乐家、演员和电视人共同参与联合劝募 一起 英雄礼赞 的明星 劝募 活动