television signal

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈteliˌviʒən ˈsiɡnəl]


  • In August 2000 / 50Hz will be identified as the standard of China 's high-definition television signal source .

    2000年8月,1080i/50Hz即被确定为中国的高清晰度 电视 信号源标准,2008年北京奥运会的 电视转播将全程采用高清系统完成。

  • Television signal colour corrector

    电视 信号彩色校正器

  • On the basis of analysis and colligation for the characteristics of television signal a simulated black-and-white whole television signal is produced using the rectangular signals with different amplitude duration frequency and phase in the paper .

    本文则是在充分分析、综合了 电视 图像 信号特征的基础上,利用不同幅度、宽度、频率和相位的方波信号相叠加,生成模拟黑白全电视图像信号;

  • In order to avoid the wave distortion and mutual interference in the digital television signal transmission we should use the digital signal to modulate the carrier wave .

    为避免数字 电视 信号在传输过程中引起波形失真并产生相互干扰,必须用数字信号对载波进行调制。

  • This paper introduces the composition and working principle of a television signal generator based on CPLD ; it explains the logic function design and basic principle in CPLD and the hardware configuration of this system in detail .

    介绍了基于CPLD的 电视 信号发生器的组成及工作原理,对CPLD内部逻辑功能设计、基本原理,以及系统的硬件构成进行了详细的说明。

  • At present the digital television most basic service uses the simulation television reception digital television signal along with the technical development the multitudinous developer provided the many patterns set-top box product to satisfy the market the request .

    目前数字电视最基本的业务还是利用模拟电视接收数字 电视 信号,随着技术的发展,众多开发商提供了多款机顶盒产品满足市场的要求。

  • The Transmission and Maintenance of the Television Signal in the Province Network

    电视 信号在省网内的传输与维护

  • The RF signal may be a FM telephone signal a FM television signal or an impulse radar signal .

    干扰信号可以是调频电话信号、调频 电视 信号或脉冲雷达信号。

  • In this paper it is discussed that the transmission principle and application of SDH network technology in digital broadcast and television . At the same time a few transmission scheme of broadcast and television signal have forwarded with SDH network technology .

    主要介绍SDH网络传输技术在数字广播电视中的传输原理及其应用,同时提出几种利用SDH网络技术来传输广播 电视 信号的应用方案。

  • Hence the limiting information content of mono-chromic television signal and the necessary channel capacity for transmitting this signal are calculated ;

    据此计算了黑白 电视 信号的极限信息量和传送这信号所必须的通道容量;

  • In this dissertation we will focus on the signal processing algorithm of Doppler frequency-only passive radar that uses the television signal as illuminator .

    本文主要研究了利用 电视 信号为照射源,基于唯多谱勒频移的被动雷达信号处理技术。

  • Based on three primary color laser as light source Laser TV controls laser images projected onto the screen using the television signal .

    激光电视是以三基色激光为光源,使用 电视 信号控制激光,将图像投射到屏幕上。

  • This paper gives the software design of television signal inspection system the software system with Visual Basic is developed . The system software of television signal inspection consists of software by server by customer and with form inquiry software .

    给出了 电视 信号监测系统的软件设计,用VISUALBASIC工具开发系统软件,电视信号监测系统软件由服务器软件、客户端软件和查询报表软件三部分组成。

  • The digital process chip of television signal is the core part of the digital process TV set .

    数字处理电视的核心是 电视 信号数字处理芯片。

  • In this paper interface signal of the digital televisions set-top-box is analyzed and studied it is of significance to high quality transmission effective scheme of hardware system and exerting the most efficiency of the audio and video equipment of digital television signal .

    本文对其接口信号进行的分析比较研究,对于数字 电视 信号的高质量传输,硬件设备的合理配置以及充分发挥音视频设备的最大效能,具有重要的实践意义。

  • This article elaborated the simulation television signal digitization processing method and the step .

    本文阐述了模拟 电视 信号数字化处理的方法和步骤。

  • Currently digital television signal compatible pal widely used PAL → VGA converters to show images like that in some exceptional circumstances non-standard pal from the CCD to capture images is not enough for these converters images show .

    目前,兼容PAL 信号数字 电视广泛采用PAL→VGA转换器来显示图像,在一些特殊情况下,由非标准PAL的CCD捕获得图像是不能够用上述转换器进行图像显示的。

  • Dual-controlled industry television signal communication method

    两级控制的工业 电视 信号通信方式

  • Error will occur during the transmission when digital television signal is transmitted in channel interfered by noises and multi-path effect .

    由于噪声和多径衰落等干扰因素的原因,导致数字 电视 信号在信道的传输过程中产生信息误码。

  • Automatic Transformation of County-level Television Signal Transmission Monitoring System

    县级 广播 电视 信号传输监测系统的自动化改造

  • The radio and television signal emission facilities including antenna feeder links tower masts ( poles ) ground network satellite transmitting antenna as well as the auxiliary equipments thereof ;

    广播 电视 信号发射设施,包括天线、馈线、塔桅(杆)、地网、卫星发射天线及其附属设备等;

  • The passive bistatic ( multistatic ) detection system based on television signal is a primary style of extraneous radiator detection .

    基于 电视 信号的无源双(多)基地探测系统是外辐射源探测的一种主要形式。

  • Research of Mismatch Filter Algorithm Using in External Illuminators Radar System Based on Television Signal

    基于 电视 信号的无源雷达失配滤波算法研究

  • The digital television receiving system refers the system which can receive and broadcast the digital television signal .

    数字电视接收系统是指能够接收数字 电视 广播 信号并播放的系统。

  • The results give some interesting conclusions concerning bandwidth compression of television signal .

    并引出一些关于 电视频带压缩方面的有趣结论。

  • In this method the field synchronization signal is extracted from the satellite television signal .

    这种方法从卫星 电视 信号中提取场同步信号,再以此实现时间同步。

  • At the same time it provides high quality digital sources for the digital video processor . So in the current analog decoders have been replaced by digital decoders in television signal processing .

    同时为后面的数字视频处理提供了质量较高的数字源,因而在当前的模拟 电视 信号处理中,数字解码器取代模拟解码器已成为主流。

  • The distinguishing features of the progress in the study of television signal encoding and the prospects of development are discussed .

    由此讨论 电视 信号编码研究进展的特点和发展前景。

  • A Television Signal Automatically Detection Algorithm Based on FPGA Synchronization Sequence Detection

    基于FPGA时序同步检测的 电视 信号自动检测算法

  • The high-definition digital TV set-top-box receives the high-definition television signal which is produced by the signal generator well and has a faster speed of scanning programs and better playing quality .

    本文设计开发的高清数字电视机顶盒,在接收码流发生器产生的高清数字 电视 信号 测试环境中,运行良好,具有较快的搜 速度和较好的播放质量。