


  • Now it has become the main body of Chinese teleplay .

    现在, 民营 电视 已经成为我国 电视 创作的主体。

  • In mainland China Hunan TV is the initiator of self-making teleplay .

    在中国内地,湖南卫视是自制 电视 的先行者。

  • The Research on U.S. Teleplay Marketing Based on 4Ps Theory of Marketing

    基于4P理论的美国 电视 营销研究

  • Today I finished watching the whole set of the teleplay named Living in Small at noon .

    今天中午吃饭时把 蜗居》看完了。

  • The other is the historical context of production of Chinese teleplay .

    一是中国 电视 艺术生产的历史语境。

  • Further more this thesis will critically analyze the 1990s ' teleplay culture based on the deep perspective .

    在深层挖掘的基础上,进一步展开对九十年代 电视 文化的批判性分析,以 电视艺术在新的世纪会有新的 突破与发展。

  • Teleplay Communication and Construction of Sexual Modernity & Research from Chinese Style Divorce

    传播、性别与中国现代性&以 电视 中国式离婚

  • But on the whole I think the teleplay has been acted wonderfully because it does concern a lot of sensitive aspects of our society that other plays dare not touch .

    不过整体来讲,我认为这 电视 已经 得非常好了,因为它敢于涉及很多别的 电视剧不敢涉及的一些敏感方面。

  • Investigation on the Narrative Strategy of the American Teleplay Grey 's Anatomy

    美国 电视 格蕾医生 的叙事策略研究

  • Huxiang Culture is a kernel value of the teleplay which meets spectators'aesthetic expectation to trace the spiritual source .

    湖湘文化则成为该 的核心价值,满足了社会转型期观众进行精神寻根的审美期待。

  • On the Commercial Teleplay in Modern Worldly Ethics Perspective

    现代世俗伦理视野中的商战 题材 电视

  • I watch three times of the teleplay 《 evolution 》 today .

    我今天看了三遍 电视 《进化》。

  • I watch the sixth episode of the teleplay 《 sex and the city 》 & 《 secret sex 》 third this afternoon .

    我今天下午看了三遍 电视 连续剧《都市欲望》第一季的第六集《秘密性爱》。

  • Each teleplay is one life So watch tv as if experience once inequable life And that don t cost oversize expense .

    电视 都是一个人生,所以看电视剧就相当于经历一次不一样的人生,而且不用花费太大的代价。

  • I watch the teleplay 《 Gilmore girls 》( 1 ) for three times today .

    我今天看了 电视 《吉尔莫女孩》(1)三遍。

  • She was rewarded as the queen of the teleplay .

    她被 人们誉为 电视 皇后。

  • There is one sentence in teleplay : original exists forever .

    电视 人间 四月 里有句 台词:最初的永远在。

  • Its music being partly contracted with CCTV and homogeneous to the original teleplay never lack lasting appeal and praise and will bring stereo experience to players .

    在音乐方面,更是签下央视 西 游记 原版音乐 植入 游戏,韵味 无穷脍炙人口 传统音乐将为游戏带来立体式的西游感受。

  • In this huge process of creation manufacture and production the teleplay formed all kinds of types naturally .

    电视 在其创作、制作与生产的过程中,就逐渐地形成了各种各样的类型。

  • Now the things in Tang dynasty shown on teleplay may be all oxtails ! a steak cut from the rump .

    现在反应唐代的 电视 挂的可都是牛尾啊!从尾部切下来的牛排。

  • Yesterday night I had a strange dream it seems as if screen teleplay .


  • The teleplay vividly depicts the dauntless spirit of the trailblazers .

    这个 电视 形象地表现了拓荒者们坚韧不拔的精神。

  • The present study holds that family-ethics teleplay not only expresses a myth of conjugal relation but also constructs traditional ethics which absorb liberal ethics .

    通过性别建构的各种策略,家庭伦理 复制了男女两性的性别“神话”、表达着吸纳了情感自由伦理的传统责任伦理。

  • I watch the nineth episode of the teleplay 《 sex and the city 》 & 《 the turtle and the hare 》 third tonight .

    我今晚看了 电视系列 《都市欲望》第一季第九集三遍。

  • I watch the fifth episode of the teleplay 《 sex and the city 》 & 《 the power of female sex 》 twice tonight .

    我今晚看了两遍 电视 连续剧《城市欲望》的第五集《女性的性能量》。

  • Study of Teleplay Narrative written by Yang Xinmin is really a pioneering book on teleplay narratology .

    杨新敏 电视 叙事研究》一书不愧是电视剧叙事理论的 开山之作。

  • Finally this article discusses the differences between the novel and teleplay in death rhetoric .

    最后探讨《 孽子 小说与 电视 在死亡修辞方面的差异。

  • It seems that I really dreamt yesterday night but I actually ask myself wether I am dreaming in the dream screen teleplay as expected .

    看来昨晚真的是做了个梦。可是梦里居然反问自己是不是在做梦,果然在 电视

  • No other carrier can truly show the easily be changed process of woman in society like teleplay .

    没有任何一种载体能够像 电视 这样真实地展现女性在现实社会中的嬗变过程。

  • Rural teleplay is a type of TV plays which aims at showing the reality of rural life .

    农村 题材 电视 属于电视剧类型中的一种,是指以现实农村生活为全部表现对象的 电视