telephone call

[ˈtɛləˌfon kɔl][ˈtelifəun kɔ:l]


  • The telephone call came shortly before dinnertime .

    电话是在正餐快要开始时 打来的。

  • The doctor come at once in answer to my telephone call .

    医生接到我的 电话之后,马上来了。

  • A telephone call is dead as soon as it 's over but a letter can last forever .


  • They allowed me out in order to make a telephone call .

    他们准许我出去打一个 电话

  • To respond to an incoming telephone call by placing a telephone device in the off-hook state .

    将电话设备置于摘机状态而对到来的 电话 呼叫进行响应。

  • Who made a telephone call to Lilei yesterday ?

    昨天谁给李雷 电话了?

  • The first actual telephone call also had something to do with an accident .

    第一次真正的 电话 通话时也发生了一个意外。

  • Please save my place for me while I make a telephone call .

    我去打个 电话,请把我的位置留下来。

  • I 'm waiting for an important telephone call from my boss in Shanghai .

    我在等我的老板从上海 打来的一个重要 电话

  • He denied that his evidence about the telephone call was incorrect

    他否认自己关于 电话的证词是虚假的。

  • Imagine receiving a poison-pen letter or an obscene telephone call .

    设想一下你收到一封匿名诽谤信或一次下流 电话

  • On Christmas Eve the Woods an English couple received a very unusual telephone call .

    圣诞节前夕,一对名叫伍兹的英国夫妇,收到了非常不寻常的 电话

  • A.did he leave when he received the telephone call ?

    当他接到 电话时,他就离开了是吗?

  • Make a telephone call . Tell them to meet you at the railway station and to arrange accommodations .

    先打个 电话他们接站,安排好食宿。

  • Please don 't disturb me while I 'm making a telephone call .

    当我打 电话的时候,请不要打扰我。

  • Will you excuse me for a minute ? I want to make a telephone call .

    我可以离开几分钟吗?我想打个 电话

  • A telephone call from the manager sent him hurrying back to the company .

    经理的一个 电话使他匆忙赶回公司。

  • Morning after the courage to give you a telephone call and finally the boot up !

    早晨的勇气后给你 电话,最后,启动了!

  • I had a telephone call from Peter in Leeds today .

    今天我 了一个皮特从利兹 打来 电话

  • Excuse me may I make a telephone call here ?

    我可以在这儿打个 电话吗?

  • Last night I got a telephone call while I was watching my favorite television show .

    昨晚,当我 看我最喜欢的电视秀的时候接到一个 电话

  • I shall wait for your telephone call tomorrow .

    我明天就等你的 电话

  • In a telephone call early Wednesday Obama and Clinton agreed to meet face-to-face but discussed no specifics .

    奥巴马和克林顿在星期三早上 电话,同意进行面对面的会谈,但是不对具体问题进行讨论。

  • My mother made a telephone call to me yesterday but I wasn 't in .

    昨天妈妈给我 电话,但我不在家。

  • In my dad 's last telephone call to me he repeated that line seven times in one half-hour .

    这是父亲打来的最后一个 电话。在半小时内,他把这句话重复了七遍。

  • I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call .

    我的话讲了一半, 电话中断了。

  • He protested the action in a telephone call to the president .

    他在打给总统的 电话中对这一行动提出了抗议。

  • The solicitor asked that her client be allowed to make a telephone call .

    律师要求能让她的当事人打一个 电话

  • Although John will never believe it I did try to return his telephone call .

    尽管约翰永远不会相信,我的确给他回了 电话