


  • TELECINE ( TC ) A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels .

    TC版是从胶片 直接进行数字拷贝。

  • On Telecine : A Pass-through Study of the Two Standards

    电视 电影:再论两个标准

  • Hopping telecine machine vidicon film chain A movie camera or projector .

    电影摄影机或 放映机

  • Along with the appearance of a series of excellent telecine products the telecine has provided billions of Chinese audience with an all-new appreciative perspective and special aesthetic experience .

    随着一 优秀 电视 电影 作品的面世,电视电影向亿万中国观众提供了一种全新的观赏视角,为国民带来了独特的审美体验。