

[医] 颞顶的

  • Objective : To demonstrate the transfer of reversed - flow temporoparietal fascial flap ( RFTPFF ) and its clinical effect .

    目的:报道逆流 筋膜瓣移转术及临床应用效果。

  • Conclusions ~ ( 1 ) H-MRS can be used to detect hippocampi and temporoparietal regions changes of NAA / Cr mI / Cr in AD patients . The decrease of NAA / Cr in left ( hippocampi ) can be used to assessed the severity of AD.

    结论磁共振波谱分析可发现AD海马及 联合区的NAA/Cr、mI/Cr改变,左侧海马NAA/Cr的减低可帮助评价AD的严重程度。

  • The temporoparietal junction ( angular gyrus and nearby temporal and parietal areas ) probably plays the most crucial role in developmental dyslexia although other brain areas may also have some influences .

    研究 表明 联合区(角回及其周围脑区) 功能 活动的变异是阅读障碍的主要神经基础,但其他脑区也起一定的作用。

  • When they stimulated a region near the back of the brain called the temporoparietal junction ( TPJ ) the woman reported that she was floating above her own body and looking down on herself .

    当他们刺激靠近后脑 联合区(TPJ)的一块时,妇女说她感到自己飘出体外,俯视自己。

  • Comparative study of standard large trauma craniectomy and routine temporoparietal craniectomy in treating acute posttraumatic brain swelling

    外伤大骨瓣 开颅术治疗外伤后急性脑肿胀的临床研究

  • Results : Caspase 3 mRNA is up-regulated in temporoparietal cortex and hippocampus within 3 days the highest expression occurs in the first day after operation .

    结果:Caspase-3mRNA在 淋巴 阻塞后3天内 皮层、海马中均表达上调,以第一天表达最高。

  • No matter the visual and auditory target stimuli were located in the same or different spatial location visual and auditory modality integrated together . The areas of integration were temporoparietal junction areas .

    无论是视觉靶刺激和听觉靶刺激位于相同的空间位置还是相异的空间位置,视听 通路刺激都 发生了整合,整合区域都在 联合 皮层的位置。

  • Experimental study on the regeneration enhancement of facial nerve within chitin chamber wrapped in temporoparietal fascial flap


  • Objective : To observe whether a well vascularized temporoparietal fascial flap would improve rabbit intratemporal facial nerve regeneration repaired with chitin chamber .

    目的:观察带蒂 筋膜瓣对几丁质室内兔颞骨内面神经再生的影响。

  • The low density areas occurred in the temporoparietal lobe near sylvian fissure in middle cerebral artery territory .

    2大脑中动脉支配区外侧裂附近 顶叶 梗塞

  • Methods Bilateral temporoparietal craniotomy was used in New Zealand rabbits . An elliptical piece of dura mater and arachnoid 1.0 cm × 0.8 cm was removed with the aid of a surgical microscope . The dural defect was repaired with bovine pericardium and different silk membrane .

    方法取新西兰兔 顶部 正中 切口双侧 顶部开颅术,在手术显微镜下,剪除兔硬脑膜和蛛网膜1.0cm×0.8cm,硬脑膜缺损处分别用牛心包和不同的丝素膜膜修补。

  • Clinical application of temporoparietal fascial flap in the treatment of hand injuries and deformities

    筋膜瓣在修复手 创面中的应用

  • Anatomical study of the reversed-flow temporoparietal fascial flap and its clinical application

    逆行 筋膜瓣的解剖与临床应用