With telecommuting and the availability of remote technologies companies find that it 's more cost-effective and practical to keep its staff in place at different sites .
通过 远程 通信和远程技术的利用,公司发现在不同的地方保持合适的员工更加划算和实用。
Some employers may have their suspicions about telecommuting .
有一些雇员对于 远程 办公还有他们自己的疑惑。
Joan : Well your job is not really suitable for telecommuting .
琼:唔,你的工作不太适合 远程 办公。
Do your employer 's competitors have telecommuting policies in place ?
你老板的竞争对手公司是否存在 这样 的 远程 办公制度?
Many firms say they offer programs aimed at boosting employees'work-life balance such as flex hours or telecommuting .
多公司说他们提供有助于员工平衡工作和生活的计划,比如弹性工作时间和 远程 办公。
Successful telecommuting provides flexibility and benefits to eng employee and to the firm .
成功的 远程 办公为员工和公司带来灵活性和益处。
This is not to mention all of the employees who are currently telecommuting .
这不是说所有员工现在都是 远程 交流。
Michael : billy these days more and more people work from home . it 's called telecommuting .
迈克尔:比利,现在越来越多的人在家里办公。这叫“ 远程 办公”。
The experience of many companies suggest that telecommuting can increase workplace flexibility and enhance productivity .
许多公司的经验表明, 电讯 家庭 办公可以提高工作单位的灵活性与办公效率。
Telecommuting working at home and communicating with office by means of computers .
电传作业用电脑联 ?办公室,在家 ?工作的情况。
Here are some ideas to think about to decide whether telecommuting is right for you .
以下是一些想法供你考虑,以决定 远程 办公对你是否合适。
This doesn 't mean that telecommuting is dangerous and to be avoided .
但是,这并不表示 远程 办公是危险的并需要加以避免。
To search for a telecommuting job online efficiently and effectively choose the right keywords .
要想有效而迅速地找到一份在线 远程 工作要选对关键词。
Michael : Why do you think that telecommuting would be perfect for you ?
迈克尔:为什么你认为 远程 办公对你来说是完美的?
However telecommuting enhances certain security issues by placing workers outside of the enterprise environment .
然而, 由于员工在企业环境之外的位置 办公, 远程 办公 凸 显出某些安全性问题。
This way of working is called telecommuting or tele-working .
这种工作方式称之为 远程 办公或远程工作。
The other area is telecommuting focusing on the effects of telecommunications on travel behavior and residential location choice .
另一个领域是 远程 通讯,关注的是远程通讯对出行行为和居住区位选择的影响。
Prove that telecommuting can increase workplace flexibility and add to productivity .
表明 电讯 家庭 办公 可以让工作地点更加灵活,从而提高 办公效率。
Another weak link in the telecommuting chain can be the users'laptops .
远程 办公链中的另一个薄弱环节在于用户的笔记本电脑。
When looking for a telecommuting job online use the right keywords .
当你在网上寻找 远程工作时,要使用正确的关键词。
Perhaps those likely to be the elite creative should ponder the strengths and weaknesses of the new telecommuting life .
或许,那些有可能成为精英创造者的 人们应当考虑一下 远距离 工作这种新生活 方式的利与弊。
All these factors lead to the growth of telecommuting .
所有这些因素促使了 电讯 家庭 办公 的 队伍 不断发展 壮大。
Find out if your firm has policies that would allow you telecommuting or flexible hours .
了解一下你的公司有没有政策能允许你 远程 办公或者灵活工作时间制。
But if you 're an IT professional telecommuting makes sense for you and the company .
但是,你要是一名IT专家, 远程 办公对你和公司来说都是可能的。
A flexible work life such as telecommuting is good for your health researchers said .
研究人员称, 远程办公等弹性工作模式有益于身体健康。
Work-life benefits might include permission for telecommuting flexible hours and on-site or subsidized child care .
工作-生活福利包括 远程 办公的许可,灵活的 上班时间、上班地点,或者儿童保育的补贴。
Some are working to reduce traffic and office space energy usage by encouraging telecommuting .
一些公司致力于通过鼓励 远程 办公减少交通和办公空间的能源消耗。
The company needs to reinforce supervise and encourage its employees constantly so telecommuting is unrealistic .
公司需要不断地给员工增援、监督和鼓励,所以 远程 办公不太现实。
Which of the following is mentioned as one of the advantages of telecommuting .
以下哪被提到 远程 办公的优势之一。