


  • Objectives : Lead is one kind of common heavy metal that do harm to apparatus and tissue of individual especially to the CNS of children and teen-age .

    目的:铅是一种常见的有害重金属,影响人体多个器官系统的功能,尤其是对 婴幼儿和儿童的中枢神经系统的损害更为 严重

  • The focus of his photographs however is always on the human relationship between enigmatic figures generally teen-age girls who gaze into the distance .

    他摄影的通常 表现 十几 的女孩凝视着远方的焦点,侧重于如谜一般的人类关系。

  • Our studio is an educational r & d team wishing to feed the problems of adults and graduates entering society back the teen-age education and improve their education plan .

    我们工作室是一个教育研发团队,希望把成人和大学生走入社会过程中遇到的问题反馈到 青少年教育中去,改进他们的教育计划。

  • Methods The investigation site and the samples from teen-age people were selected with the random sampling method . By using the indirect hemagglutination assay ( IHA ) method the antibodies against diphtheria toxoid were examined . The results were analyzed with χ ~ 2 test and F test .

    方法采用随机抽样方法抽取调查点和被 人群,用间接血凝试验(IHA)检测抗白喉毒素抗体,结果分析采用χ2检验和F检验。

  • The forty-year rule is of course not immutable and its cycle carries epicycles within it : the twenty-year cycle for instance by which the forty-somethings recall their teen-age years .

    所谓的四十年黄金定律当然不是铁打不变的,例如四十年的大周期中还包含着一个二十年的小周期,即四十 左右的人 开始回忆他们的 少年岁月。

  • Symptoms of spondylolisthesis often begin during the teen-age growth spurt .

    脊椎滑脱的症状常开始于 青少年 快速发育期。

  • Chapter three introduces grey forecast model and method to us and applies it to establish reasonable grey forecast model of teen-age crime .

    第三章介绍了基于灰色系统理论的灰色预测模型与方法,并应用灰色预测模型与方法,建立了合理的 青少年犯罪的灰色预测模型。

  • Teen-age stage is not only the key period of physiological and mental growth but also the main stage of conflicts of mind and psychology the rise of high behavior problem . Violent behavior is just one of the manifestations .


  • This paper evaluated the psychological situation of teen-age athletes and analyzed the stress events that affect their psychological health .

    采用症状 青少年运动员 生活事件 对山东省 1296名青少年运动员进行了测试,旨在评定 青少年运动员的心理健康状况,分析影响其心理健康的主要应激性生活事件。

  • Police are probing allegations that the newspaper hacked into the cell phones of teen-age murder victims family members of people killed by terrorists politicians and celebrities .

    该报被控窃听了 年轻的犯罪 遇害者、恐怖袭击遇难者家属、政客、以及名人的手机。警方正对此 展开调查。

  • Academic failure appears to trouble teen-age girls more deeply than boys US researchers said on Tuesday .

    美国研究人员本周二称,学业失败对女生的影响大于 男生

  • Small boy on telephone as teen-age sister rash to grab it You must have the wrong number . I don 't have a beautiful sister .

    妙龄 少女 匆匆 过去 电话的时候, 听见她的小弟弟正在说:“你一定是打错了,我并没有漂亮的姐姐。”

  • The Influence of Principle of Moderation on Improving Practical Results in Training For Teen-age Athletes

    适度性原则对 青少年运动员训练实效性的作用

  • A teen-age set an elegiac lament for youthful ideals .

    十几 青少年对年少时理想的哀悼。

  • Many parents burst into tears when a rescuer carried a teen-age girl out of the ruins .

    当一名救援者从废墟里抱出一个女孩时,在场许多父母不禁 潸然泪下

  • The result shows that ( 1 ) Of the 16 personality factors teen-age athletes in Shandong Province are significantly different from the middle school students in China in 3 personality factors ( P0.01 ) and different in 5 factors ( P0.05 ) .

    结果显示:1)山东省 青少年运动员与全国中学生 比较,在16种人格因素中有三种差异非常显著(P0.01)、5种差异显著(P0.05);

  • The northern border state of Chihuahua suffers from one of the highest rates of teen-age pregnancy in the country with 20 percent of babies being born to mothers aged 19 or younger Huidobro said .

    报道说,地处墨西哥北部紧邻墨美边境的奇瓦瓦州长期以来一直是该国 青少年未婚先孕比率最高的地区之一,当地20%的新生婴儿的母亲年龄不超过19岁。

  • In order to explore the efficacy of community nursing intervention to teen-age smoking reliers 118 teen-age smoking reliers received community nursing intervention . Before and 4 months after the intervention life quality was evaluated and compared .

    为了探讨社区护理干预对 青少年吸烟依赖者戒烟的效果,对青少年吸烟依赖者118人实施社区护理干预,干预前及干预后4个月进行生活质量评估并比较。

  • To improve the modern level 、 scientific level and becoming the useful person of teen-age middle-distance race we must realize the human factors of influencing middle-distance race training and find the best way to training optimizing unit with teen-age characteristic .

    要提高 青少年中长跑训练的现代化、科学化和成材率水平,就必须认识和了解影响中长跑训练的人为因素,并结合少年训练的特点寻求达到训练最佳化途径。

  • Results Parents ' and teachers ' mental health knowledge level and their mental health status had a significant effect on teen-age 's mental health .

    结果家长和教师的心理卫生知识水平及其心理健康水平对 少年 儿童心理健康存在明确的影响。

  • Teen-age psychological problem is the byproduct caused by the highly social modernization .


  • As a result guaranteeing the right of teen-age sex education needs farther effort of government and education service .

    保障 青少年性教育的权利,需要政府和教育行政部门的进一步努力。

  • As the years slipped by my daughter passed into the teen-age vale developing a youthful proficiency on the piano .

    时间一年年地过去,我女儿已是 十几 的少女,成长为熟练的青年钢琴手。

  • Mathematical Olympiad education had become an educational activity well known internationally . With the development of such activity a special mathematics subject had been formed gradually Olympic Mathematics and had developed as a mathematical education subject with enormous teaching significance for the teen-age mathematical fan .

    奥林匹克数学教育已成为国际公认的教育活动,随着这种活动的发展,逐渐形成了一门特殊的数学学科&奥林匹克数学,进而发展成为对 青少年数学爱好者具有重大教育意义的一门数学教育学科。

  • Conclusions To promote teen-age 's mental health and prevent the happen of teen-age 's ill-behavior It is the measures to improve parents ' and teachers ' mental health knowledge level and their mental health status .

    结论 少年 儿童心理健康的促进和心理行为问题的预防应从提高家长和教师的心理卫生知识水平及其心理健康水平着手。

  • My teen-age daughter was preparing to return home after having visited her grandparents for a few weeks one summer .

    一个夏天,我 十多 的女儿在她祖父母家过了几周。

  • The Analysis and Revelation of Hong Kong Teen-age Media Literacy Educational Website

    香港 青少年媒介素养教育网站分析与启示

  • An Analysis of Dancing Trauma of 60 Minority Teen-age students

    60名少数民族 青少年学生舞蹈创伤的调查分析