temporary connection

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri kəˈnɛkʃən][ˈtempərəri kəˈnekʃən]


  • This paper introduces a temporary neural connection model reflecting the role of DNA-RNA-Pr systems and two observations on memory behaviors for modeling .

    本文介绍了一个能反映DNA-RNA-Pr系统作用的 暂时神经 联系的模型以及为配合模拟而进行的两项记忆行为的观察。

  • Wind-Induced Fatigue Analysis of Temporary Connection on Girder of Suspension Bridges

    悬索桥钢箱梁 临时 连接 风致疲劳分析

  • Temporary Connection of Continuous Girders with Rigid - framed Structure of the Second Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan

    武汉长江二桥连续梁与刚构的 临时 连接

  • Continuous or temporary air bleed connection .

    持续或 临时放气 连接

  • Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) is defined as through a public network ( usually the Internet ) to establish a temporary secure connection is a public network through the chaos of the security stability of the tunnel .

    虚拟专用网(VPN)被定义为通过一个公用网络(通常是因特网)建立一个 临时的、安全的 连接,是一条穿过混乱的公用网络的安全、稳定的隧道。

  • The separable strand plug is suitable for various electrical equipment during temporary connection .

    适于各种电器设备间 临时 连接时使用。

  • Stiffening girder sections of suspension bridge are often connected each other by temporary connection during the construction .

    在悬索桥加劲梁的吊装过程中,梁段之间一般采用 临时 连接来进行安装。

  • It is necessary to build a dynamic and temporary interactive relation among the web services to ease the finding of real time demand oriented connection . A good web service can be found through the relations mentioned above .

    为了便于服务间按需实时 联系的建立,就有必要建立Web服务间的动态和 暂时交互关系,通过他们之间的这种关系来找到一个好Web服务。

  • There is a strategy of temporary data and returning the results in the process of data access in the intermediary layer the underlying data source layer such as database connection strategy .

    还有中介层数据访问过程中的结果数据 暂存与返回策略,底层数据源层的数据库 连接策略等。

  • Research on Stiffening Girders Erection and Temporary Connection of Suspension Bridge ; Experiment on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of U-stiffened Plate of Orthotropic Steel Box Girder

    悬索桥钢箱加劲梁安装过程及 临时 连接的研究正交异性钢箱梁U型肋加劲板极限承载力试验

  • Using special software for bridge engineering MIDAS calculated and analyzed girder segment length Decided to using a standard segment of the temporary connection means for the target bridge .

    采用桥梁工程专用软件MIDAS对加劲梁节段长度进行了计算分析,决定对目标大桥采用一个标准节段的 方式。