tax staff

[tæks stæf][tæks stɑ:f]


  • Narrow sense refers to tax services is taxable under the tax department service centers and the tax service hall staff .

    狭义上,纳税服务员是指税务部门下属的纳税服务中心及 办税服务厅的 工作 人员

  • From government to the tax authority from tax authority to tax staff there is a principal-agent chain and then the Asymmetric-Information Theory may apply tax collection too .

    从国家到税务机关、从税务机关到 税务 人员、从 税务 人员到纳税人是一个委托代理链,进而信息不对称的有关理论也可以运用到税收征管中来。

  • A new challenge is brought to the tax policies tax collection and management and also tax staff with the approach of knowledge economy .

    知识经济的到来,给税收政策、税收征管及 税务 人员带来了新的挑战。

  • Through in-depth analysis of the data to extract useful information to help decision-making tax administration staff as the main objective of the tax decision support systems have gradually rise to the tax authorities at all levels attach great importance .

    通过对数据进行深度分析,提取有价值的信息,帮助 税务部门的管理 人员进行决策为主要目标的税务决策支持系统,已经逐渐引起各级税务部门的高度重视。

  • It also reduces the labor intensity of the tax staff .

    同时也减轻了 税务 人员的劳动强度。

  • Based on the studies on management methods of corporate tax as a common financial management staff I hope to call for more peer to study the issue that the internal tax management how can get better management .

    我希望通过一个普通财务管理 人员对企业 税务管理方法的学习和研究,来呼吁更多的同行来研究、探讨企业内部税务管理如何管理地更好这一课题。

  • However this has not raised enough much attention of the vast tax inspection departments and staff .

    但这尚未引起 各级 税务稽查部门和广大 税务 稽查 人员的高度重视。

  • In fact it got so busy at tax time he was allowed a staff .

    事实上,在 季中他是个大 忙人

  • And in America online merchants avoid charging sales tax in some states by neither having a physical presence nor hiring staff there .

    在美国,一些在线商家为了不支付某些州的营业 ,既不在那儿开实体店,也不招聘 员工

  • As of the tax department a grass-roots staff as soon as possible the author thinks that should change this mutual rights and publicans the imbalance of the adverse conditions .

    作为 税务部门的一名基层 工作 人员,笔者认为应尽快改变这种征纳双方权利失衡的不良状况。

  • With a view to the fact that security of revenue information affects the success of informationization construction tax department and every tax staff should attach enough importance to the security of revenue information system .

    税务信息系统安全直接关系到税收信息化建设的成败,必须引起税务机关和每一位 税务 的重视。

  • From the perspective of tax authorities the system can empower revenue staff to focus on their responsibilities of inspection and penalties on violation actions and thus improve the taxation efficiency .

    税务机关角度看,税务 人员可以集中精力搞好稽查和处罚,提高征管效率。

  • Tomorrow I will go directly to tax bureau to pay taxes for new staff .

    明天我将直接去 局为新 员工报税。

  • It is difficult for tax staff to pursuit detailed information of each house . There is an urgent requirement of developing a software to control the tax on house lease .

    具体在 一线 基层 征管 人员反映很难追踪每一户的明细,同时要求开发私房出租税控系统的呼声也很大。

  • The change of emphasis and to some extent upgrade the tax staff works skills at the same time makes the duty to optimize human resource management .

    其侧重点的变化,在一定程度上提升了 税务 工作 人员的工作技能,与此同时,使得税务人力资源管理得以优化。

  • Both banks cut the ratio of pay-to-revenue from a typical norm of about 50 per cent to 30-40 per cent partly as they passed on the cost of the UK bonus tax to staff but partly too in an effort to placate the public outcry .

    高盛和摩根大通都宣布,将薪酬占总收入的比例从通常的50%左右降低到了30%-40%,部分原因是它们将英国的奖金 转嫁给了 员工,还有部分原因是为了平息公众的不满。

  • In general asymmetric information in tax collection has between the following subject : government tax authority tax staff and taxpayer .

    大致说来,税收征管中的信息不对称现象主要存在于政府、税务机关、 税务 人员和纳税人之间。

  • One of the four modules Guizhou rent multidimensional analysis module as the concentration of the provincial bureau project its main function is to provide for the the Guizhou local tax staff the macro tax data in order to provide the data base for its decision analysis .

    贵州地税多维分析模块作为省局项目集中的四大模块之一,其主要功能是为贵州 地税 工作 人员提供宏观上的税收数据,以便为其决策分析提供数据基础。

  • Tax staff management subsystem includes the distribution of tax account number the announcement of tax issue inquiry the information of the taxpayer and the gathering pay taxes .

    税务 人员管理子系统包括纳税账号的分配、税务公告的发布、纳税人信息的查询和纳税情况汇总的功能;

  • Tax payers have the right to refuse to pay the undue tax imposed by working staff of tax institutions .

    纳税人有拒绝税务机关工作 人员 税款的权利。

  • A Comparison of the Tax Policy of Stock Option between Chinese and American Staff

    中美 员工股票期权 个人 所得 政策比较

  • Online examination and approval adopts the principle of just fair and open and uses computer technology development related indicators like automatically assigned task according to the monthly tax service staff workload setting the time limit to complete doing information monitoring statistics and analysis .

    网上审批采用公正、公平、公开的原则,利用计算机技术设定相关指标,例如根据每月 纳税服务 人员的工作量,自动分配任务,设置完成时限,对信息传递进行监控、统计和分析。

  • This grass-roots enthusiasm of the tax staff of the negative impact of adverse resulting in incentives for civil servants has been inherent in the basic tax department more weakened .

    这些问题对基层 税务 人员 工作积极性造成了负面影响,致使本来就先天不足的公务员激励机制在基层国税部门更加弱化。

  • Part five puts forward the principle we should obey to develop the tax collection and management of e-commerce and proposes the suggestions and countermeasures in the respect of taxation substantive laws tax collection and management and tax staff members ' qualities etc.

    第五部分提出了我国开展电子商务税收工作应该遵循的原则,并从税收实体法、税收征收管理及 人员素质等方面,对完善电子商务下的 税收政策提出自己的建议与对策。

  • The number of innovative enterprises gross earnings general output employment exports tax contributions research staff and research input therein have undergone some striking growth .

    进区高新企业数目、总收入、总产出、职工人数、出口额、 上缴税额、科研 人员 和科研投入都有巨大增长;

  • Other experts say the levy is likely to apply only to employees of banks ' UK subsidiaries arguing it would be difficult to tax banks on the basis of staff without a UK tax code .

    其它专家表示,这项新税收可能只适用于各银行的英国子公司。他们提出,要就没有英国税收代码的 员工向银行 征税会很困难。

  • Study on Knowledge Management Professional Competence and Work Performance of Tax Staff

    税务 人员知识管理、专业能力与工作绩效之研究

  • Although tax authority and staff work hard to strengthen the administrative penalties and tax authority adopt various measures to pursue tax payment but have not had tax evasion completely controlled .

    尽管 税务机关和税务 人员努力工作,加强行政处罚、稽查、采取各种措施追补税款,但是偷税行为并没有得到明显地控制。

  • The anger over bankers'pay hit new levels just over a week ago when the US House of Representatives voted for a90 % tax on bonuses paid to senior staff at failed insurer AIG .

    这股怒火在一周前达到高点,当美国众议院为90%的奖金 是否该支付给 臭名昭著的AIG高官。