


  • The paper also gives estimation on economic benefits in comprehensive recovery of tellurium bismuth copper gold and silver .

    对该工艺综合回收 、铋、铜、金、银的经济效益进行了估算。

  • Of or relating to or containing the chemical element tellurium .


  • Determination of Trace Tellurium in Human Hair and Serum by Single Sweep Oscillopolarography

    人发和血清中痕量 的示波极谱测定

  • TelluriumWorks – A standalone Java Swing application used to edit and run Tellurium test scripts .

    TelluriumWorks&一个单独的JavaSwing应用,用于编辑和运行 Tellurium测试脚本。

  • Taking the Google search UI as an example it is represented in Tellurium as follows

    拿Google搜索的UI做个例子,这个界面用 Tellurium表示成如下这样

  • The main features of the Engine are : UI module group locating UI module caching Command bundle processing Selenium APIs re-implemented in jQuery and new Tellurium APIs .

    这个引擎的主要特性包括:UImodule组定位、UImodule缓存、命令集处理、用jQuery重新实现的SeleniumAPI以及新的 TelluriumAPI。

  • Tellurium on the other hand treats the whole UI element as a widget ; calling the element a UI module .

    Tellurium 恰好相反,它把多个UI元素看作一个Widget整体,并将其称作UImodule。

  • The results indicate that satisfactory tellurium leaching rate can not be obtained by conventional acid leaching processes .

    试验结果表明:采用常规酸浸工艺不能获得令人满意的 浸出率;

  • Selenium was discovered by him over one hundred years ago as an atomic element closely associated with sulfur and tellurium .

    硒作为与硫和 关系密切的元素在一百年前被他发现。

  • Tellurium will continue to develop the new Engine to its maturity .


  • He is the creator of the Tellurium Automated Testing Framework .

    他是 Tellurium自动化测试框架项目的创建者。

  • Tellurium as a cloud testing tool is another very important future development .


  • The generated runtime locator is then passed in the Selenium call to the Selenium core with Tellurium extensions .

    生成的运行时定位器然后通过 Tellurium扩展传递给Seleniumcore来调用。

  • In Tellurium 's test code locators are not used directly .


  • Methods for chemical analysis of lead-base alloys & The oscillopolarographic method for the determination of selenium and tellurium content


  • A radioactive metallic_element that is similar to tellurium and bismuth ; occurs in uranium ores but can be produced by bombarding bismuth with neutrons in a nuclear reactor .

    一种放射性金属元素,类似 和铋,见于铀矿,但能通过用中子轰击铋的核反应制造。

  • This allows users to include the published Tellurium jar file and then treat the UI widget as a regular Tellurium object in the UI module definition .

    这样用户就可以在项目 引用发布的 Telluriumjar文件,并在UImodule定义中,把UIwidget当作一个普通的Tellurium对象。

  • The geochemical features of the first tellurium deposit in the world are studied in this paper .

    研究了世界 首例 矿床的地球化学特征,特别是 微量 分散 元素 集成矿的地球化学条件。

  • However this problem has been solved partially with alloying . By adding quite small amount of tellurium to the lead the life of the pipe can be doubled .

    但这一问题用合金的办法部分地解决了。在铅中加进少量的 ,管子的寿命可以延长一倍。

  • Tellurium IDE – A Firefox plugin that records user actions and generates Tellurium test scripts including UI module definitions actions and assertions .

    Tellurium IDE& 另外一个Firefox插件,可以记录用户操作,并生成Tellurium测试脚本,包括UImodule的定义、用户的动作以及断言。

  • Oscillopolarographic Determination of Trace Amounts of Tellurium in Steel and Alloys after Separation with Sulfhydryl Cotton


  • Other areas of the framework to be developed include

    Tellurium 框架还希望发展的其他领域包括

  • Like Selenium Tellurium is used to test any web applications based on the HTML DOM structure .

    与Selenium一样, Tellurium可以用来测试任何基于HTMLDOM结构的Web应用。

  • That is to say the Tellurium core generates the runtime locator based on the UI object 's attributes in a UI module .

    也就是说, Telluriumcore基于UImodule中的UI对象属性,生成运行时定位器。

  • The general slag produced in treating the anode sludge of copper electrolysis in a copper smelter has a high tellurium content and test is made on recovering the tellurium from the slag by leaching .

    某铜冶炼厂铜电解阳极泥处理过程中产生的综合渣中 量较高,为此进行了从该渣中浸出碲的试验研究。

  • REVIEW ON ELECTROTHERMAL AAS FOR THE DIRECT DETERMINATION OF TRACE METALS IN SEAWATER Determination of Trace Tellurium in Cast Iron by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


  • Study on Thermal Analysis Measuring System Using Sample Cup Without Tellurium for Gray Cast Iron

    灰铸铁 成份样杯热分析测试系统的研究

  • Separation with tellurium or selenium coprecipitation and photometric determination of trace gold in anode mud


  • Tellurium takes a new approach to automated web-testing through the concept of the UI module .


  • The Tellurium UI templates and the Tellurium UID Description Language ( UDL ) are used to represent dynamic web content .

    采用了 TelluriumUI模板和TelluriumUID描述语言(UDL)来表示动态的web内容。