teller window

[ˈtɛlɚ ˈwɪndo][ˈtelə ˈwindəu]

[计] 出纳窗口

  • A robber in New York came up with a disarming way to pull off his latest bank heist approaching the teller 's window with a large bouquet of flowers and handing over a hold-up note .

    为成功抢银行,纽约一名劫匪想出了一种非常忽悠人的办法。他举着一大 捧花走向银行 柜台,并递出一张纸条, 上面 着“交出钱来”。

  • Nevertheless if one includes the payment and receipt of fundsthrough the teller 's window

    但是,如果包括通过 出纳 窗口进行资金收支

  • Figure out how much cash you 'll need each week for your regular cash-based purchases ( things like lunch at the cafeteria and your daily cup of coffee ) head on over to the bank teller 's window and get your walking-around money for the week .

    你要算出每个月满足正常生活需要所花的现金数目(像在自助餐厅吃的午饭,你每天要喝的咖啡),接着径直走到银行 柜台,取出你这一星期所需要的零花钱。