television standard

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈstændəd][ˈteliˌviʒən ˈstændəd]


  • The ratio of the width to the height of an electronic image . For broadcast television the standard aspect ratio is4 ∶ 3 .

    一幅电图象的长宽比。广播 电视 标准是4∶3。

  • The History Of Television For example QAM is a standard modulation format in the transmission of digital TV signal via cable .

    数字有线 电视 采用该调制方式传送电视信号。

  • This paper described the algorithm and design of the baseband data processing of digital television transmission system based on Chinese Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Standard and supplied an integration scheme of single carrier modulation system and multicarrier modulation system .

    本文针对中国数字 电视地面广播 标准(DTMB)研究与设计数字电视传输系统中的发射端与接收端的基带处理模块,并且探讨多载波系统和单载波系统的融合设计方案。

  • TS data stream is commonly used in digital television stream standard . The data stream can be compressed audio and video data and can also be other relevant data .

    TS数据流是数字 电视领域普遍使用的码流 格式,该数据流可以是压缩后的音视频数据,也可以是其他相关数据。

  • It is the national interest performance that the formulation of digital television terrestrial broadcast standard has the proprietary intellectual property rights can promote the development of our country television industry .

    制定具有自主知识产权地面数字 电视广播 标准是国家利益的表现,能够促进我国电视产业的发展。

  • Key Technology of Digital Television Transmission Standard DMB-T

    新一代数字 电视传输 标准DMB-T的关键技术

  • The dissertation first discusses the base conception of digital television system and introduces MPEG-2 / DVB standard and Program Special Information ( PSI ) and then provides a design scheme based FPGA .

    文章首先论述了关于数字 电视系统的一些基本概念,介绍了MPEG-2/DVB 标准以及数字电视节目专用信息(PSI),并结合多路数字节目复用的基本原理提出了一套基于FPGA的设计方案。

  • Reveals the ground digital television standard

    揭密地面数字 电视 标准

  • Before this MPEG-2 standard was used in digital television MPEG-4 standard was used in real-time video monitoring and video streaming media and H.263 standard was used in network video communication .

    在这之前,数字 电视使用 MPEG2,实时监控和网络流媒体主要使用MPEG4,网络视频通信主要使用H.263,H。

  • In order to advance the development of digital television technology of our country the digital television middleware standard of China is instituted .

    为了促进我国数字电视技术的发展,我国制定了自己的数字 电视中间件 标准,为 数字 电视机顶盒的生产以及交互 电视应用的开发提供了 统一 规范

  • Through deep investigation of the actual process of the resolution for the Harmonic Current problem in the company .. And to analyse the influence on the television development and production after the standard requirements of the Harmonic Current been added .

    介绍了 电视机的谐波电流标准要求,通过对解决电视机谐波电流问题的实际过程进行深入的研究,分析了增加谐波电流 标准 要求后对 电视机开发和生产造成的影响,介绍了克服这些困难的经验。

  • This issue was just from the project QAM modulator which accords with the national digital television standard DVB-C.Reed-Solomon ( RS ) code is one class of the important linear block codes in the error control area .

    本课题正是来源于符合国家数字 电视DVBC 标准的QAM调制器项目。RS(ReedSolomon)码是差错控制领域中一类重要的线性分组码。

  • In order to squeeze out more capacity in terrestrial TV channels for HDTV service the DVB group developed the second generation digital terrestrial television standard which is named DVB-T2 .

    为了能在地面电视频道中挤压出更多的容量以适用于HDTV服务,欧洲数字视频广播组织(DVB)制定了第二代地面数字 电视 广播 标准&DVB-T2。

  • Digital High Definition Television ( Digital HDTV ) as the third era Television Standard has become the focus of contest in the countries all over the world . It will affect the world 's politics economy and culture greatly .

    数字高清晰度电视(DigitalHDTV)作为第三代 电视 标准,已成为当今世界高技术竞争的焦点,对世界的政治、经济和文化将产生巨大而深远的影响。

  • The lines that carry cable television are much faster than standard phone lines or even ISDN .

    运载有线 电视的线比 标准电话线甚至ISDN快速。

  • In this article I discussed the detailed structure signal processing methods and flow of the digital terrestrial television transmission system based on DVB-T standard .

    本文系统的论述了基于DVB-T 标准的数字地面 电视传输系统的详细结构、信号处理方式和流程。

  • This technique is widely used for remote-sensing medical imaging and high-definition television ( HDTV ) standard etc.

    该技术可以广泛应用于遥感、医学成像和高 清晰度 电视等多个领域。

  • Then we generate a standard definition digital TV integrated test pattern in accordance with Broadcasting Film and Television industry draft standard Test pattern for standard definition television broadcasting . And finally introduce the design and implementation interference detection .

    最后,本文使用计算机生成了 标准清晰度数字 电视综合测试图,并对测试图中的各信号的生成和检测方法进行了详细介绍。

  • In America and Britain advertisements for e-cigarettes have appeared on television & forbidden territory for standard cigarettes .

    美国和英国的电子烟广告已经在 电视传统香烟广告的禁区)上播出。

  • Television media is related to the advertising revenue directly and advertisers choose television media with the standard of audience rating .

    与电视媒体效益的好坏直接挂钩的就是广告收入的多少,而广告商选择 电视媒体最常用的 标准就是收视率。

  • At this stage there are four kinds of major international terrestrial digital TV transmission standard : ATSC ( U.S.A ) DVB-T ( European ) ISDB-T ( Japan ) and Chinese Digital Television Terrestrial Transmission Standard ( for short : DMB_TH ) .

    现阶段国际上主要有四种数字 电视地面传输标准:美国的 ATSC,欧洲的DVB-T,日本的IDSB-T以及中国的DMB-TH。

  • Recently China has issued its own digital television terrestrial broadcasting standard .

    目前,中国已制订了具有自主知识产权的数字 电视地面广播 标准

  • Chinese digital television terrestrial broadcasting standard and its industrialization

    中国地面数字 电视传输 标准DTMB与产业化推广

  • At present most digital TV programs played by television stations are Standard Definition Television ( SDTV ) but the pace of technology has not slowed and in the near future SDTV will surely be replaced by High Definition Television ( HDTV ) which is more advanced .

    目前播放的数字 电视多数是 标准清晰度数字电视,但是数字电视的发展并未停止,在不久的将来,高清晰度数字电视必将取代标准清晰度数字电视。

  • A picture in picture colour television system in accordance with the TV standard of China and with improved quality is put forward .

    本文根据我国电视 标准提出了一种质量较高的画中画彩色 电视制式。

  • China digital television terrestrial broadcasting standard GB20600-2006 is based on TDS-OFDM ( Time-Domain Synchronous orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ) systems .

    中国地面数字 电视广播 标准GB20600-2006是基于时域同步-正交频分复用(TDS-OFDM)系统的。

  • The Research and Realization of Mobile Digital Television Receiver Based on DVB-T Standard

    基于DVB-T 标准的移动数字 电视接收机研究与实现

  • In 1996 China published broadcasting television digital transmission technology system adopting a digital television satellite broadcasting system similar as the DVB-S standard .

    我国在1996年颁布广播电视数字传输技术体制,决定采用符合DVB-S 标准的数字 电视卫星广播系统。

  • As the new research focus in the digital television transmission standard is of great significance and the channel coding is an important parameter to judge the channel quality .

    数字 电视作为未来 电视发展的主要方向,其传输 标准的研究具有十分重要的意义,而信道编码更占有重要的地位。