telemetry data

[təˈlɛmɪtri ˈdetə][tiˈlemitri ˈdeitə]


  • The application of this method in telemetry data processing is discussed .

    系统地论述了 中值 滤波方法的原理,以 卫星 姿 系统 遥测 数据为对象,进行 滤波处理。

  • For the channel characteristics of wireless data transmission we format the frame of telemetry data and the command of remote control and code the remote control command by BCH . Then design the whole software architecture .

    针对无线数据传输信道的特点,对 遥测 数据和遥控命令帧格式做了探讨并对遥控命令进行BCH编码,然后对整体软件结构做了设计。

  • Research on telemetry data extraction method under multistation measuring

    多站位测量体制下 遥测 处理 数据提取研究

  • An Approach to Estimate Time Delay of Telemetry Data Based on Cross-cumulant

    基于互累积量的 遥测 数据时延估计方法

  • It also transmits telemetry data about its altitude speed bearing and location from its onboard global positioning system receiver .

    通过机载全球定位系统接收器, 人机还可以把飞行高度、速度、方位和位置的 遥感 数据 传输 回来

  • It is proved by test that this telemetry data acquisition system works well and stability .

    通过联试,证明该 遥测 数据采集系统能够 保证 干扰地完成 数据的采集、 处理、显示与存盘等任务。

  • A collecting and transferring method is introduced based on telemetry data in field environment .

    介绍了基于野外环境 遥测 数据的采集与传输方法。给出了 单片机 笔记本 电脑之间 并行 通信 技术

  • Research on combination application of multi-channel flow regime telemetry data in computers

    多信道水情 遥测 数据在计算机中进行组合应用探究

  • Prediction interval technique for small satellite power system telemetry data

    小卫星电源系统 遥测 数据的区间预测技术

  • The choice of the transferring media of telemetry data is an important problem .

    遥测 数据需要传递,传递介质的选择是一个重要问题。

  • Research on Design Method of Tactical Missile Telemetry Data Processing System Based on UML

    基于UML的战术导弹 遥测 数据处理系统设计方法研究

  • Based on the present conventional database in the telemetry data processing system a new TT & C database complied with TMATS ( Telemetry Attributes Transfer Standard ) is established in this paper .

    遥测 数据常用数据库的基础上,应用遥测属性传递标准TMATS建立了新的测控数据库。

  • The Design and Realization of Multi-channel Parallel PCM Telemetry Data Acquisition and Code System

    多路同步PCM 遥测 数据采集编码系统的设计和实现

  • PCM telemetry data is decoded and error code is revised according to transmission characteristic of telemetry data .

    根据 遥测 数据传输多遍的特点,对解码后的PCM 数据进行 处理,得到误码率很小的数据。

  • The acquisition process of analog signals and digital signals are introduced . The principle of dual buffer storages based on DMA technique of DSP and the coding and output of telemetry data are introduced .

    叙述了模拟信号和数字信号的采集过程,然后介绍了基于DMA技术的DSP双缓冲区工作原理,以及 遥测 数据的编帧和输出过程。

  • Code synchronization and frame synchronization of the telemetry data play an important role in the telemetry data processing system .

    码同步和帧同步在 遥测数据处理系统中占有非常重要的地位。

  • Discussion is also given on such problems as data synchro-detecting error-control in procedure of satellite telemetry data acquisition and processing .

    对卫星 遥测 数据采集处理过程中的同步检测、差错控制等问题进行了讨论。

  • The particularity of rang test bring the diversification and uncertainty in function requirement of telemetry data transmission software .

    由于靶场试验的特殊性,导致了 遥测 数据传输软件功能需求的多样化和不确定性。

  • The Canadian group says their ornithopter actually powered itself through the air and that they have the telemetry data to prove it .

    加拿大团体称他们的扑翼飞机实际上能通过空气为自己提供动力,而且他们有 遥测 数据可证明这一点。

  • Processing Method of the Telemetry Data Packet for Spacecrafts

    航天器CCSDS 遥测 数据包处理方法研究

  • Causes and countermeasures for telemetry data jumping in SCADA systems

    SCADA系统 遥测 数据跳变现象的原因分析与对策

  • Part of the improved performance comes from the telemetry data that helped Microsoft boost battery life by a significant amount when running on Intel 's next-generation processors .

    另外,在增强 Windows7的省电性能部分,微软还参考了Intel提供的下一代处理器的有关 数据,确保这些处理器运行Windows7时的省电表现更好。

  • Design and Realization of Telemetry Data Post-processing and Analyzing System

    遥测 数据事后分析处理系统的设计与实现

  • Design of Indirected Parameter in Telemetry Data Processing

    遥测 数据处理中导出参数模块的设计

  • Based on the telemetry data it is shown that the thermal control design is reasonable which well satisfies the temperature requirements of the electronic equipments and optical payloads .

    飞行 遥测结果表明,热控分系统方案合理,设计正确,星上温度环境很好地满足了电子设备和光学载荷的要求。

  • For the telemetry system the encryption and decryption and key synchronization scheme of telemetry data are designed .

    针对遥测系统,设计 遥测 数据加解密及密钥同步方案。

  • Special telemetry data processing language

    遥测 数据处理专用语言

  • Command and telemetry data handling

    指令与 遥测 数据处理

  • Both models feature fully autonomous flight real time continuous video and telemetry data transmission and rugged portable tactical computers for command and control .

    两者型号的特点全自主飞行、实时连续视频和 遥测 数据传送,结实的便携战术计算机用于指挥和控制。