telephone centers

[经] 电话售货中心

  • New solution for cellular telephone traffic automatic nearby assignment in call centers

    呼叫 中心实现 手机 话务自动分配的新方案

  • Most widely used solutions are either telephone call centers or knowledge base based self-services .

    目前普遍采用基于呼叫 中心 电话解决方式或者基于知识库查找的自助解决方案。

  • For this reason many companies began to aid the application of information technology the use of interactive technology-based Computing Center Telephone call centers to improve services .

    为此,许多企业开始借助于信息化技术的应用,利用基于计算中心 电话交互技术的呼叫 中心来改善服务。

  • After a detailed description about advantages and aim of the telephone marketing this paper has also designed the customer service centers .

    本论文在发挥传统 电话营销优势的基础上,设计了客户服务 中心,详细阐述了客户服务 中心的业务需求、技术需求、组织结构及应用。