telegraph operator

[ˈtɛlɪˌɡræf ˈɑpəˌretɚ][ˈtelɪˌgræf ˈɔpəreitə]


  • They reached zenith at about three oclock in the morning and went immediately to the home of the telegraph operator .

    凌晨3点钟左右,他们到达了泽尼斯,并立即赶到了 报务员的家里。

  • Because of his quickness and hard work he was soon promoted to telegraph operator and was paid $ 5a week .

    因为他的动作迅速且工作努力,很快就被擢升为 电报 操作员,而周薪也涨到$5。

  • Edison went to Boston 's where he had been promised work as telegraph operator mainly because of the neat handwriting in his letter of application .

    爱迪生去到了波士顿,在那里有人答应给他 电报 的工作,主要因为他的求职信中字迹写得工整。

  • Do you know the telegraph operator living over the way ?

    你认识住在路对面的那个 报务员吗?

  • The father who happened to be the stationmaster was so grateful that he offered to teach Tom to become a telegraph operator .

    这孩子的父亲正好是站长,他很感激,主动提出要教会汤姆成为 电报

  • Finally he studied well enough to become a telegraph operator earning $ 25 a month .

    最后,他因为学得很好而当上了 报务员,每月工资二十五美元。

  • The telegraph operator was right .
