tempered martensite


  • Experimental results show that the fine distributed ferrite phase in a proper proportion ( 10-20 % ) in the hard matrix of tempered martensite benefits the abrasive wear resistance .

    研究结果表明,在硬质 回火 马氏 基体上均匀分布着适量(10~20%)细小条粒状软韧相铁素体对耐磨料磨损性是有益的。

  • The microstructure of the weld metal was found to be tempered martensite with a little of delta ferrite .

    焊缝显微组织主要是 回火 马氏 和块状δ铁素体组织。

  • X-Ray analysis finds that steel after tempering main matrix of tempered martensite .

    用X-射线衍射分析发现,试验钢回火后的组织主要为 回火 马氏

  • The results show that matrix is mainly tempered martensite under the condition of quenching at low temperature and tempering at 550 ℃; retained austenite content increases and martensite content relatively decreases along with the increase of quenching temperature meanwhile the wear resistance improves .

    结果表明:550℃回火条件下,低温淬火时基体组织以 回火 马氏 为主,随着淬火温度升高,残余奥氏体含量升高,马氏体含量相对减少,而耐磨性随淬火温度升高逐渐升高;

  • Tempered Martensite Embrittlement in a 5Cr_4 Mo_3 Si Mn VAl Matrix Steel

    5Cr4Mo3SiMnVAl基体钢 回火 马氏 脆性

  • Metallographic observation shows that after creep the organization and distribution were not changed the organization is still the tempered troostite with needle-like morphology of martensite .

    金相观察显示经过蠕变后组织的宏观形貌和分布状态没有发生改变,仍然呈现蠕变之前的 回火屈氏体组织状态。

  • The microstructures of heat affected zones of T91 / 10CrMo910 are tempered sorbite and thin tempered lath martensite and the toughness is good .

    10CrMo910热影响区和T91热影响区的组织分别为索氏体和细的 回火 马氏 ,韧性较好。

  • The results show that the microstructures are related to the attenuation coefficients . Among pearlite plus ferrite quenched martensite and tempered martensite α of pearlite plus ferrite is the biggest α of tempered martensite is the smallest .

    实验结果表明,对于珠光体+铁素体、淬火马氏体及 回火 马氏 3种组织,珠光体+铁素体的超声波衰减系数最大,回火马氏体的最小;

  • Fine Dispersive Carbide and Tempered Martensite Embrittlement

    细小弥散碳化物与 回火 马氏 脆性

  • The fatigue strength can be remarkably increased after rolling the reason is that there are the high residual compressive stresses in the surface stories ; except that the homogenizing of the microscopic stresses in the tempered martensite is an important factor .

    低温回火 试样,滚压可显著地提高其疲劳强度,其原因除表层有较高的残余压应力外,滚压使表层 回火 马氏 体内的微观应力均匀化也是一个重要因素。

  • The results showed that if the feeding pace was increased to 20 pieces per minute from original 12 pieces per minute and some small granular ferrites was remained on the tempered martensite matrix a good match of high strength and high plasticity of bolts can be obtained .

    结果表明,送料节拍由原来的12个/min提高到20个/min;在 回火 马氏 基体上保留有少量小块状铁素体,保证了螺栓的高强度和高塑性的良好配合。

  • Overheating can result in over tempered martensite ( OTM ) or untempered martensite ( UTM ) formations in the base metal .

    过热会造成在本体金属中形成过 回火 马氏 (OTM)或者欠回火马氏体(UTM)。

  • The test results showed that Nb could prevent recrystallization of deformed lath martensite structure at 600 ~ 680 ℃ and the aged structure was tempered sorbite kept lath martensite phase direction with no ferrite particles discovered .

    试验结果得出在600~680℃范围内,Nb能阻止变形马氏体组织的再结晶,时效组织主要为保持板条 马氏体位向的 回火索氏体,未发现粒状铁素体。

  • Tempering treatment resulted in formation of tempered martensite and the spalling resistance under repeated strong impact abrasion working conditions was largely improved .

    在反复强力冲击工况条件下,回火得到 回火 马氏 ,抗冲击剥落能力大为增加。

  • The change in carbides and the recovery of dislocation structure in the matrix of tempered martensite during the process of fatigue have been studied with the help of a TEM . According to the principle of minimum energy the interaction between carbides and dislocation was analyzed .

    用电子 衬技术研究了 回火 马氏 对称疲劳过程中碳化物的变化及基体位错结构的回复,根据能量最小原理分析了碳化物与位错的交互作用。

  • Conventional heat treatment of low alloy martensitic wear-resistant steel is quenching and low-temperature tempering process from which it can get tempered martensite structure which has a good combination of strength and toughness .

    低合金马氏体耐磨钢的传统热处理工艺为淬火后低温回火,得到 回火 马氏 组织,具有良好的强度、硬度和韧性的配合。

  • Based on these according to characteristic of steel tempering structure high temperature tempering structure of hull steel is called tempered martensite .

    认为,根据各种回火组织的特性,船体钢的高温回火组织应归为 回火

  • Tempered martensite was gradually generated as the cutting temperature increased which is the main cause of the decrease in the hardness .

    随着加工温度升高,工件表面逐渐产生 回火 马氏 ,这是造成工件表面硬度下降的主要原因。

  • After normalizing + tempering twice all samples are composited of lath tempered martensite and dispersed reverse austenite . The tempered martensite content gradually reduce with the increase of the titanium and reverse austenite content increase .

    试样经过正火+两次回火热处理后,组织由板条 回火 马氏 和弥散分布的逆变奥氏体组成,回火马氏体随含钛量增加逐渐减少,逆变奥氏体逐渐增加。

  • The microstructure of the heat-affected zone is mainly tempered martensite and with uniform distribution of grains and good combination in the fusion line .

    热影响区的显微组织主要为 回火 马氏 ;熔合线结合良好,组织均匀。

  • Deformation Substructure of Tempered Martensite in Steels

    钢中 回火 马氏 的形变亚结构

  • The final structure obtained from tempering a fully hardened steel is called tempered martensite .

    回火完全淬硬钢得到的最终组织结构被称为 回火 马氏

  • The evolution of deformation dislocation structure during the tensile loading was examined by transmission electron microscopy in the tempered martensite of low and middle carbon alloy steels .

    应用透射电子显微术研究低碳及中碳合金钢 回火 马氏 的形变位错结构随拉伸加载过程的演变。

  • The result shows that the brittle fracture belongs to tempered brittleness and would be deteriorated due to remained austenite changed into martensite .

    结果表明:断裂失效属 回火脆,服役时应力诱发残余奥氏体AR转变为 M加剧了这种脆性。

  • Although the steel tempered at 482 ℃ has higher strength the formation of the reverted austenite film along the boundaries of lath martensite makes steel possess higher resistance of hydrogen embrittlement .

    482℃ 回火,虽然强度较高,组织中存在的沿 马氏 板条边界以薄膜状分布的逆转奥氏体,使钢在此温度 回火具有较高的氢脆抗力。

  • The temperature of shakeout and tempered at 260 ℃ for two hours . The eutectic cementite a few of flake graphite martensite and retained austenite were obtained . The hammer hardness reached the level of HRC58 ~ 61 and its toughness meets also the operating requirement .

    锤头浇注后,于850℃开箱落砂油淬+260℃×2h 回火,得到共晶渗碳体、少量片状石墨、 马氏 及残余奥氏体的混合组织,硬度达HRC58~61,韧性满足使用要求。

  • Unlike that of tempered martensite structure there is little effect of oxygen content on the fatigue properties of ferrite-pearlite steel .

    调质 回火 马氏 组织不同,氧含量对铁素体-珠光体组织的疲劳性能没有明显的影响。