


  • The fellow could never resist the temptation to be melodramatic walden thought .

    这家伙总 一鸣惊人,沃尔登想。

  • Don 't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette

    不要经 诱惑,只抽一支烟也不行。

  • You can resist this temptation .

    你能 抗这样的 诱惑

  • Every time I succumb to this temptation I regret it .

    每次我屈服于这种 诱惑时,我都感到后悔。

  • I generally avoid temptation unless I can 't resist it .

    我会拒绝 诱惑,除非我抵抗不了。

  • You will meet much evil in life ; try not to yield to temptation .

    你将在生活中遇到许多邪恶,千万不可 诱惑

  • I can resist everything but temptation .

    我能抗拒一切,除了 诱惑

  • In this society the government officers should resist the temptation not to accept bribe .

    在当今社会中,政府官员要抵制 诱惑不去受赂。

  • I occasionally succumb to the same temptation .

    我偶尔也会屈服于同样的 诱惑

  • Temptation red : often used in jellies and lollipops .


  • Temptation and loneliness this is not love reasons .


  • Lead me not into temptation . I can find the way myself .

    不要对我 诱惑,我能认清方向。

  • The government and the market should try to deal with temptation .

    政府和市场应该试着解决 诱惑问题。

  • Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy ?

    他们能忍住 诱惑 买吗?

  • Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone

    学生们应当抵制 诱惑,集中精力备考。

  • As often as not jacelin thinks before he speaks but rarely resists the temptation to do so .


  • It is tempting to register a listener from its constructor but it 's a temptation you should avoid .

    从侦听器的构造函数中登记它很诱惑人,但是这是一个应当避免的 诱惑

  • But the temptation to come and see you was too strong so here I am !

    但是来这里见你的 诱惑太强烈了,所以我就来了!

  • I had proven as a very young man that power was my weakness and my temptation .

    我年轻气盛时候的表现就证明了权力是我的弱点、我的 诱惑

  • Dieting but I find it hard to resist the temptation .

    我知道在节食期间 该吃巧克力,但我很难抗拒 诱惑

  • I should congratulate you that you resisted the temptation .

    我应向你祝贺,你抗住了 这种 引诱

  • To all I say : together we must firmly oppose the temptation of hatred and violence .

    我要向大家说:我们必需一同坚决地抗拒仇恨和暴力的 诱惑

  • It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back .

    事实证明回去对霍尔是个不可抗拒的 诱惑

  • We have thus far wisely avoided the temptation to resort to national answers .

    迄今,我们明智地避开了诉诸国家性解决方案的 诱惑

  • We may all claim the moral high ground but how many of us can resist the temptation ?

    我们都声明自己站在了道德高地上,但是我们中有多少人能经得住 诱惑呢?

  • He stifled his temptation to take hold of Ivy and shake her .

    他压抑住 想要抓住艾薇摇晃她的 冲动

  • We wrestled with temptation .

    我们同 诱惑进行了斗争。

  • The temptation to rev up the arms race with high-tech weapons is especially dangerous

    通过研发高科技武器加速军备竞赛的 诱惑尤其危险。

  • I will never succumb to your temptation .

    我决不会屈服于你的 诱惑