tempered sorbite


  • The technology not only guarantees that there are good microstructures of the tempered troostite and sorbite in the wire rod steel but also makes environmental pollution and human harm decrease much .

    该工艺在保证盘条钢具有良好的 回火屈氏体和 组织外,还减少了对环境的污染和对人体的危害。

  • The results showed that tempered soft zone in harden zone case produced in process of discontinuous medium frequency induction hardening which has microstructure of tempered sorbite and low hardness and low fatigue limit were major reason to cause driven gear cracking .

    结果表明,因中频淬火的不连续,使淬硬层出现了回火软区,组织为 回火 ,降低了材料的硬度和疲劳极限,最终导致从动齿轮开裂。

  • The typical microstructure ( Q235 ): the surface layer is tempered sorbite ; the transition layer is pearlite and ferrite and the partial ferrite is acicular ; the core is pearlite and ferrite and the grain fineness is 8 ~ 10 grade .

    钢筋典型的金相组织(Q235)表层为 回火 ,过渡层为珠光体+铁素体且部分铁素体呈针状,心部为珠光体+铁素体,晶粒度8~10级;

  • Relationship between Cyclic Strain Behavior of Tempered Sorbite in a Rail Steel and Its Dislocation Structures

    回火 钢轨钢循环应变行为与位错结构关系的研究

  • The microstructures of heat affected zones of T91 / 10CrMo910 are tempered sorbite and thin tempered lath martensite and the toughness is good .

    10CrMo910热影响区和T91热影响区的组织分别 和细的 回火马氏体,韧性较好。

  • Strain-fatigue properties of pearlite and tempered sorbite in a C-Mn eutectoid rail steel have been studied by fully reversed constant total strain amplitude and plastic strain behavior in strain fatigue process has been investigated .

    用全反向恒应变幅试验方法,研究了C-Mn轨钢珠光体及 回火 的应变疲劳行为,探讨了塑性应变在应变疲劳中的作用。

  • In this paper repeated quenching and tempering processing was used to not only refine the grain size and but also keep the microstructure as tempered sorbite . Good wear resistance is also desired to be obtained by the processing .

    本文设计旨在既保留 回火 组织又能细化晶粒的多次调质热处理工艺,以 使其耐磨性得到提高。

  • After high temperature tempering the microstructure transform into tempered Sorbite .

    高温回火后组织为 回火

  • After heat treatment the microstructure of the steel is tempered sorbite .

    经热处理后的试样组织 回火

  • The test results showed that Nb could prevent recrystallization of deformed lath martensite structure at 600 ~ 680 ℃ and the aged structure was tempered sorbite kept lath martensite phase direction with no ferrite particles discovered .

    试验结果得出在600~680℃范围内,Nb能阻止变形马氏体组织的再结晶,时效组织 主要为保持板条马氏 体位向的 回火 ,未发现粒状铁素体。