temperature drop

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr drɑp][ˈtempəritʃə drɔp]


  • Study on Temperature Drop of Circular Gathering and Transferring Process in Oil Field

    油田环状集输流程 埋地 管道 计算方法

  • Mathematic Simulation of the Waxy Oil Pipeline Temperature Drop Process after Shutdown by Using FLUENT Software

    利用FLUENT软件模拟计算含蜡原油管道的停输 降温过程

  • Affecting factors of the temperature drop of oil-gas-water three-phase buried pipeline

    油气水三相流埋地管道 的影响因素研究

  • Based on the hot metal pretreatment process at No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Baosteel a temperature drop model of hot metal was developed .

    针对宝钢二炼钢铁水三脱预处理工序,建立了铁水 机理模型。

  • Numerical simulation of temperature drop in underwater hot oil pipeline during shutdown Pickup Velocity of Cut Tobacco in Horizontal Pipe

    水下热油管道停输 过程的数值模拟烟丝在水平管气力输送过程中起动速度研究

  • Surprisingly a person can survive a 40 to 50 degree temperature drop in his hand and feet but only a small drop in temperature of body core can cause death .

    令人惊异的是,手脚的 温度 降低40-50度人也能生存,但体内的温度只下降几度就会引起死亡。

  • The weather scientists predicted a light rain and temperature drop .

    气象专家们预测有小雨, 气温 下降

  • The bigger plate thickness is and higher the initial temperature is the quicker temperature drop is .

    轧件越厚,起始温度越高, 速度越快。

  • The module analyzed pressure loss temperature drop exergy and heat loss of main pipe .

    分析了主要管段的压力损、 温度 、热损失和火用损失。

  • However the temperature drop of hot metal increased with increase of correction coefficient of decarbonization rate .

    随脱碳率修正系数增大,铁水 增大。

  • Slug flow during normal transportation and pigging is analyzed as well as the temperature drop characteristics after shutdown .

    对混输管线正常输送和清管作业下产生段塞流的情况以及海管停输后 特性进行了分析。

  • The application of the cold-cold insulation glue ? a new functional material has solved the problems of corrosion on the external surface of LPG storage tank and temperature drop .

    采用刷涂新型功能材料&凉凉隔热胶的方法,解决了液化汽罐存在的外表腐蚀及 降温问题。

  • But the stability of overequilibrium ferrite no matter on volume fraction or on grain size would increase with the deformation temperature drop .

    随着变形 温度 降低,超平衡数量铁素体在数量以及晶粒尺寸上的稳定性均提高。

  • Considered the slab surface temperature rise and the temperature drop when design of secondary cooling nozzle arrangement .

    在设计二冷各段的喷嘴布置时,考虑了铸坯表面出现过大的温升和 的问题。

  • Application of Data-mining on Steel Temperature Drop in Tapping Process

    数据挖掘在出钢过程钢水 预测中的应用

  • Numerical Simulation of Effect of Batch Transportation on Axial Temperature Drop

    顺序输送对管道轴向 影响的数值模拟

  • Due to lack of preparation by the farmers the sudden temperature drop made the fruit trees suffer from the disaster of sudden cold .

    由于农民们没有准备,突然的 降温使果树遭受了冷害。

  • The temperature drop during the Cretaceous period would almost certainly have wiped out an'abundance'of the world 's dinosaurs .

    曾经称霸地球显赫一时的恐龙,在白垩纪时代的这次 温度 巨变中,似乎全都灭绝了。

  • The ingredients of temperature drop of hot metal are analyzed in this paper and the solutions are put forward .

    分析了铁水 的构成和主要原因,提出了解决措施。

  • Study on Exhaust Temperature Drop of Turbocharged Two Stroke SI Engine

    二冲程增压汽油机排气 特性研究

  • The Research about Temperature Drop and Temperature Monitoring Alarming System of the Floating-roof Tank

    浮顶储油罐 规律与温度监测报警系统的研究

  • Soi integrated circuit Calculation and Analysis of Insulation Temperature Drop of Large Air-cooled Turbogenerator with Asymmetric Winding

    绝缘体上硅结构集成电路汽轮发电机不对称绕组结构下的绝缘 计算与分析

  • Furthermore the crack resistance is affected by temperature drop range and axle load difference .

    此外, 降温幅度和轴载的变化对加铺层抗裂性能也有较大影响。

  • Test of Vacuum Filter Solution Temperature Drop in Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid Production

    湿法磷酸生产中真空过滤溶液 测试

  • Large-scale Flow Loop Experiment and Analysis on Temperature Drop of Buried Hot Oil Pipeline after Shutdown

    埋地热油管道停输 的大型环道测试分析水下热油管道停输温 过程的数值模拟

  • Study on the Temperature Drop Process of Freight Car Bearing under Natural Convection

    自然对流情况下的货车轴承 过程研究

  • Under different controlling pipe length and pressure ratio the oscillation frequency and temperature drop are studied .

    研究了不同控制管长,不同膨胀比的操作条件下振荡频率、 的关系。

  • Due to the molds expansion when in temperature rising and its shrinkage when in temperature drop the clamping force is quite unstable .

    模具升温时受热膨胀, 降温时又会收缩,使锁模力很不稳定。

  • The method used to calculate the temperature drop in nozzle is proposed .

    给出了气嘴节流 温度计算方法,并分析了节流后 原因

  • In order to observe the phenomenon of the filament temperature drop caused by the board-current the ideal diode filament temperature was detected precisely with an infrared thermometer .

    为了观察由板流引起的灯丝 温度 下降现象,利用红外测温仪对理想二极管灯丝温度作了精密测量。