test board


  • Research on Oil Film Thickness Measuring System of the Thrust Bearing Test Board

    推力轴承 试验 油膜厚度测试系统的研究

  • Additionally the function testing of traffic signal controller was carried out in the hardware system test board . The results show that the signal controller designs functional properly and works steadily which meets the current needs of the majority of the traffic intersection .

    在硬件系统 实验 上进行了信号机功能测试,测试结果表明,所设计的信号机功能正确,运行稳定,可以满足当前大多数道路交叉口的交通需求。

  • This article describes design of a monitor and control circuit in radar transmitter test board .

    介绍某雷达发射机 测试 监控电路的设计。

  • Reformation of ESW-600 Type Hydraulic Support Test Board

    ESW-600型液压支架 试验 改造

  • According to the actual application of operating experiment in the thrust bearing test board the designed oil film thickness VXI measuring system shows better performance .

    通过应用于推力轴承 试验 的实测中,该油膜厚度VXI检测系统显示了良好的性能。

  • A study in stability of airflow on test board of critical speed of agricultural materials

    农业物料临界速度 试验 气流稳定性的研究

  • The test board of main generator engine fuel injector to be fixed near fuel oil purifier for operating safety and easily .

    主发电机燃油输入装置的 测试 应固定靠近在燃油分油机附近,这样才能保证安全,容易操作。

  • That can simplify the design and reduce interference and reduce the size of test board .

    这样的设计可以简化设计难度、降低干扰和减少 测试 电路 的大小。

  • The Optimum Design of Well Pump Test Board Controlled by Multiple Conduit Microcomputer

    多管路微机控制井泵 试验 的优化设计

  • This paper presents a computerized automatic control and data logging system embedded in a hydraulic power shift trasmission durability test board as well as its operation performance .

    本文介绍了液力机械变速箱耐久性 试验 计算机自动控制与数据采集系统及其主要性能;

  • Experiment in heat exchange for various conditions os heat pipe and cast aluminum heat dissipator under natural and forced convection was made on test board to test the function of 500 A plate-type and 300A bolt-type SCR units in explosion-proof housing .

    作者对防爆壳内500A平板型和300A螺栓型可控硅元件,用热管和铸铝散热器在自然对流和强制对流传热 实验 上进行了多种工况的换热实验。

  • Study on a New Kind of Test Board for Temperature Sensor and Thermomete

    一种新型温度传感器和温度表 校验 的研制

  • According to the theory of high-speed circuit design combined with practical experience in hardware engineering design the PCB of the test board . 5 .

    根据高速电路的设计理论,结合实际的工程经验,设计了 测试 的PCB。

  • This paper introduces a simple and practical test board to test the comprehensive per - formance of electric bicycles .

    介绍了一种简单实用的电动自行车综合性能 测试

  • The Design of Microcomputer Controlling System of Injection Oil Pump Test Board

    喷油泵 试验 微机控制系统设计

  • Development of ispLSI Device Test Board

    ispLSI器件 测试 的研制

  • Testing method of coupling characteristics of magnetic suspension rotor system and design of test board

    磁悬浮转子系统耦合特性测试方法及 测试 的设计

  • The design principle and the composition units of the test board for heavy transmission box are introduced in this paper

    介绍了汽车变速箱的总成 试车 设计原理及其组成装置,以保证重型变速箱质量在合理工艺指导下处于最佳受控状态

  • Design of the test board for heavy transmission box

    重型变速箱总成 试车 设计

  • Using computer test board combing computer software this thesis designed and developed a fault test system for elevator controller which is based expert system .

    本文以电梯控制柜故障检测为对象,利用计算机, 测试 ,并结合上位机软件的设计,开发了一套基于专家系统的电梯控制柜测试与故障诊断系统。

  • Design of multi - function test board of gear

    多功能组合齿轮传动 实验 设计

  • With different loading devices the performance of the test board are different and so do the accuracy the reliability the applicability and the power . At present loading devices in domestic have different features applied fields .

    加载装置不同, 试验 的性能也不同,试验台的精度、可靠性、适用性和能耗等也就不同。

  • Introduce the hardware design of FPGA test board completes the schematics and PCB design through the EDA software and completes the hardware debugging and jointly debugging of the whole system .

    给出了FPGA 测试 的硬件方案,并使用EDA软件完成了整个硬件方案的原理图和PCB板的设计,进行了软件下载、硬件测试和系统的联调。

  • The test board is designed by a combination methods and each site uses a separate power supply .

    而在 测试 电路方面,设计了分块式的 测试 电路 并对每个site采用了独立电源供电。

  • Based on this test board use the existing laboratory instruments and equipment to build the ADC test system .

    利用 测试 和实验室现有的仪器设备搭建了ADC的测试系统。

  • To treat the compression theory for herbage material alfalfa with moisture content 17 % is compressed on baling test board .

    为进一步探索草物料的压缩理论,在压捆 试验 上对含水率为17%的紫花苜蓿进行整株压缩。

  • Besides further test is carried out using FPGA test board .

    此外还使用FPGA 测试 对芯片做进一步测试。

  • High-precision Design about ISA Bus Test Board

    高精度ISA总线 测试 板卡设计

  • The Design of USB Optical Transmission Test Board for Daya Bay RPC Electronics

    大亚湾RPC电子学系统USB光纤传输 测试 设计