



  • But we would tether your module to an American ship .

    但是我们要 你们的设备 在美国的船上。

  • To tether an animal or restrict its movement .

    把动物 拴住或者限制它的活动 范围

  • The tethered-net capture system is a new On-Orbit capture system that develops from Tether satellite technology .

    绳网捕获系统是一种由 卫星技术的应用发展来的在轨捕获系统。

  • Wait a minute . I have to tether my lamb well .

    你等等。我 把羊 好了。

  • Follow the arrows on the map . the astronauts walked in space without a tether .

    跟着地图上的箭头走.火箭 卫星送上了 太空

  • The horse had broken loosefrom its tether .

    那匹马挣脱 缰绳跑了。

  • With its mass and flexibility of an electrodynamic tether system considered the propulsive motion of the electrodynamic tether system is modeled .

    通过建立空间电动 系系统动力学模型,研究了通有电流的导电系绳高速运动切割地球磁力线时 系绳的振荡和变形特性。

  • The EDT experiences a resistance akin to air drag which in turn lowers the tether system 's orbit .

    EDT受到类似空气拖曳的阻力,造成 缆索系统的轨道降低。

  • The GuideLine system 's bumper-mounted sensor with a Kevlar tether hanging out .

    该指标体系的保险杠式传感器,具有芳 纶拴挂出来。

  • When not using a temperature catheter you can gently tether the temperature cable connection to the prempt cable .

    当不使用温度导管时,你可以 轻轻地将其系在设备电缆上。

  • To study the design problem and application of the double-balloon system with tether and net the resisting wind ability was analyzed based on system dynamic model .

    为研究一种双 气球 绳网系统的设计和使用的问题,在系统动力学模型的基础上对系统的抗风能力进行了分析。

  • The officer dismounted tethering his horse to a tree .

    军官下了马, 到一棵树上。

  • By reducing drastically the fuel and power requirements the tether would greatly cut the cost of a mission .

    透过巨幅减少燃料和能源的需求, 缆索可以大幅削减任务的费用。

  • The answer is that the tether system is potentially more efficient however paradoxical it may appear .

    答案在于 缆索系统的效率可能较高,不管这看来多麽矛盾。

  • The cow had broken her tether and was in the cornfield .

    那牛弄断了 系绳,跑到玉米田里去了。

  • The hot-air balloon broke free of its tether and floated away .

    热气球挣脱了它的 系绳,飞掉了。

  • The Calculation of the Orbital Parameters of a Tethered Satellite System after Tether Deployment and cut-off

    绳系卫星系统 系绳展开及剪断后轨道参数的计算

  • And they must learn to control the various vibrations that arise in electrodynamic tether systems .

    他们也必须学习控制电动 缆索系统出现的各类震动。

  • We keep the goat on a tether when it is grazing .

    这头羊吃草时我们 它。

  • Not everyone can in my heart tether only you can let my emotions undulator ups and downs .

    不是谁都可以在我心中 兴风作浪,只有你能让我的情绪波荡起伏。

  • Horsemen would arrive and tether their horses to the rail .

    骑马的人会来到 这儿他们的马 在栏杆上。