testing software


  • Although this issue may not be a major one I believe it will need to be addressed before we can really do a good job of testing software built with aspects .

    虽然这个问题也许并不是一个主要的问题,我仍然相信在我们可以真正地对采用方面所 构件 软件进行很好的 测试以前需要解决它。

  • Application of Virtual Instrument Technology and Database Technology in the Testing Software of Some Model AAAV 's Hydraulic System

    虚拟仪器技术和数据库技术在某型两栖突击车液压系统 测试 软件中的应用

  • These products are well suited for testers ( and developers ) to use in the course of testing software .

    这些产品非常适合测试人员(和开发人员)在 软件 测试期间使用。

  • Design and Implementation of the Scenario Simulation Storage Testing Software

    基于业务场景仿真的存储 性能 测试 软件的设计与实现

  • It 's easy to make mistakes when testing software or planning a testing effort .

    测试 软件或制订测试工作计划时很容易犯一些错误。

  • Realization of Testing Software Based on LabWindows / CVI for Mine Power

    基于LabWindows/CVI的矿用电源 测试 软件

  • Research and Design of Load Testing Software for Multi-user Computer System

    计算机多用户系统负载 测试 软件的研究与设计

  • As we well know however when you 're testing software things often go wrong .

    但是众所周知地,当你 测试 软件时,往往不会顺利。

  • Finally the methods for designing and using the automatic testing software are introduced .

    最后、介绍了自动化 测试 软件的设计和使用方法。

  • The beauty of this approach is that you can run the testing software as often as needed .

    这种方法的美妙之处在于:每当需要时,就可以运行 测试 软件

  • The testing software TS-1 of a sampling unit in the distributed dynamic phasor monitoring system is discussed .

    详细介绍了分布式动态相量监测系统数据采集单元的 测试 软件TS-1。

  • Some people are like that when it comes to testing software ; regardless of the circumstances they 're able to find just the right place to exercise the software under test to find critical bugs .

    有些人在 测试 软件时是这样的:不管情况如何,他们都可以找到正确的位置来运行程序以发现关键的缺陷。

  • Having a substantial portion of your testing software already in proven configurations makes the work that much easier .

    在公认的配置中包含足够部分的您的 测试 软件可以使工作更加容易。

  • Software testing can be costly but not testing software is even more expensive especially in places that human lives are at stake .

    软件测试可以是昂贵的,但是不 测试 软件是更加昂贵的,特别是在地方人生成败未定。

  • In other words the challenge is to make a case for purchasing testing software .

    换句话说,挑战是如何促成购买 测试 软件的方案。

  • Word-input testing software is mainly used to test the input quickness and accuracy of computer learners .

    文字输入 测试 软件主要用于对学习者的文字输入速度和准确度进行测试。

  • The virtual oscillograph is made up of the hardware platform and the computer with testing software it is a powerful signal processing system .

    虚拟示波器由硬件平台和安装着应用 测试 程序的计算机一起组成,是一个功能强大的信号测试系统。

  • Sure all it takes is an isolated test environment that includes a network similar to your production environment load testing software to simulate users and their tasks and a lot of time .

    答案是肯定的,只需要一个独立的测试环境即可,而该环境中需要包括一个类似于生产环境的网络,还需要用于模拟用户及其任务的 测试 软件,最后还需要大量的时间。

  • At present the industry is divided as to who should be testing software how how much how automated the tests should be when they should be written etc.

    当前,自动测试问题分得很细:谁应该负责 测试,怎样 测试,进行多少测试,以及如何将其自动化,何时创建测试,等等。

  • According to Roy Morien one of the fundamental problems in this situation seemed to be the responsibility of testing software and ensuring that the bugs were solved .

    RoyMorien认为: 测试 软件以及确保缺陷被修复的职责归属似乎是这种情况下的一个基本问题。

  • Testing Software of power telecontrol communication based on 101 protocol

    基于101规约的电力远动通信 测试 软件

  • It 's far from complete but as I have often stated in this column I believe in pragmatically testing software to find out what needs to be improved .

    这离完成还远着呢,但是正如我常在本专栏中声明的,我相信从实际出发 测试 软件以发现需要改进的方面。

  • Testing software can be time-consuming and expensive especially as software systems are increasing in scope and complexity .

    测试 软件是非常耗时和昂贵的,尤其是,当软件系统不断的扩大,复杂度不断增加。

  • Second Development of Pulse Vibration Testing Software

    Pulse振动 测试 软件的后续开发

  • This tester is controlled by the computer high-density performance testing software is easy to operate even received favorable comments from many customers .

    泡棉应力测试仪由电脑软件控制,高密度 测试 软件易于操作的性能更受众多客户好评。

  • A kind of axles ' intelligent testing software system based on Visual C + + is introduced .

    介绍了一种基于Visualc++的轴类零件智能 检测 软件系统。

  • While there 's no single best approach for testing software the following list is based on my experience .

    虽然没有 测试 软件的最佳万能方法,但可以参考下面根据我的经验给出的列表。

  • Analysis of required changes to facilitate creating and testing software updated to ensure system integrity .

    所需变动的分析,以便创建和 测试更新,以确保系统的完整性 软件

  • Updated from the previous edition in2000 to include a chapter that specifically deals with testing software for security bugs the processes and techniques used throughout the book are timeless .

    更新版本相对于2000年的版本多加入了一个关于“ 软件安全 测试”的章节,贯穿此书的这种方法和技术是永不过时的。

  • There 's very little creativity involved when testing software : you feed it certain values and observe the results .

    测试 软件时几乎没有什么创造性:给予某个确定的值,然后观察结果。