testing certificate


  • By the way of testing drug for a certificate we try to find the target of AP and to explain the changes in antioxidant enzymes when diabetes mellitus occur complicated with renal pathological changes and the effect on the diabetes with the treatment of AP .

    按照以药 的方法寻找药物作用的靶点,尝试以此为基础来阐释糖尿病并发肾脏病理改变时各种抗氧化酶发生的改变,及药物干预所致抗氧化酶的改变对糖尿病并发肾脏病理改变的影响。

  • To create a new certificate for testing purposes click the create test certificate button .

    若要创建用于 测试目的的新证书,请单击“创建测试 证书”按钮。

  • Enter the assembly of parts and components ( include the external components and outsourcing ) it must have testing departments of the certificate can be assembled .

    进入装配的零件及部件(包括外购件、外协件),均必须具有 检验部门的 合格 能进行装配。

  • If a security warning appears when testing an HTTPS website as shown below click View Certificate and install the certificate of the HTTPS website .

    如果 测试HTTPS网站时出现一个如下所示的安全警告,那么单击View Certificate并安装HTTPS网站的证书。

  • This certificate will either be the queue managers certificate if you are using self-signed certificates for testing or the certificate of the CA that issued your queue managers certificate .

    这个证书可以是队列管理器证书(如果您正在使用自签名证书进行 测试),也可以是签发您的队列管理器证书的CA的 证书

  • The first step in testing is to obtain a digital certificate for each of your test users .

    测试的第一步是获取每个测试用户的数字 证书

  • In recent years Mandarin Proficiency Testing Level Certificate has become the essential pass to taking up some occupations . Therefore many people need to pass a Mandarin test for obtaining that certificate in order to meet the requirements of the times .

    近年来,普通话水平 测试等级 证书成为从事某些职业必备的通行证,人们通过参加普通话水平测试来适应时代的要求。

  • In the ISO / IEC the item 25 the 《 General Requirement for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories 》 that every certificate or report from calibration laboratory must include the explanation of uncertainty of relevant measurement .

    在ISO/IEC导则25《校准和 检测实验室能力的通用要求》指明,校准实验室出具的每一 证书或报告,均应包括有关测量结果不确定度的说明。

  • Lifting Appliances Inspection and Testing Certificate

    起重设备检验和 试验 证书

  • Our commodity inspection department provides the quality quantity testing certificate is final and have the binding force to both sides .

    我们的商检部门所出具的质量、数量 检验 证书是最终的、对双方都具有约束力。

  • Inspection and testing certificate issued by C.I.B.C.

    中国商品检验局签发之 检验 证明书

  • From the finish of the first testing music animation to certificate by professional accreditation the research of this issue could be accepted .

    首部 实践性音乐动画完成并得到相关专业评审的 认可中,可以看出,本课题中视听互构的研究是可以被大家接受的。

  • Installation supervision commissioning product testing till obtain the final acceptance Certificate . And provide after sales service trouble shooting etc * .

    安装指导,调试,产品 测试直至项目 签收,并提供售后及故障排除等服务。

  • A testing institution that fails to obtain the relevant qualification certificate may not undertake any quality testing as prescribed by the present Measures .

    检测机构未取得相应的资质 证书,不得承担本办法规定的质量检测业务。