


  • For this a new method the dechlorination of tetrachloride carbon by nanoscale iron particles was introduced in this paper .

    为此,采用纳米 铁粉这一新方法对其进行脱氯处理。

  • Review the application of carbon tetrachloride in pharmaceutical synthesis and the solvent displacement research progress of carbon tetrachloride In pharmaceutical synthesis .

    综述了 四氯化碳在药物合成反应中的应用,总结了在药物合成反应中四氯化碳溶剂替换研究工作。

  • Studying the Laser Raman Spectroscopy of Benzene and Carbon Tetrachloride

    苯和 四氯化碳 混合 的激光拉曼光谱研究

  • How do we know that mag will reduce titanium tetrachloride ?

    我们如何知道,镁会还原 氯化钛?

  • It is soluble in alcohol isopropyl alcohol benzene toluene chloroform and carbon tetrachloride and easy to absorb moisture and reacts with water into aluminium hydroxide and isopropanol .

    溶于乙醇、异丙醇、苯、甲苯、氯仿和 四氯化碳;易吸湿,遇水分解成氢氧化铝和异丙醇。

  • And this involves the reaction of titanium tetrachloride with magnesium to form magnesium chloride plus titanium And this was invented in1937 by W.J.Kroll .


  • Protective effects of complex amino acid tablets on acute hepatic injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice

    复合氨基酸片对 四氯化碳肝损伤保护作用的实验研究

  • Study on Volatilization of Carbon Tetrachloride in Ground Water up Overlying Soils by Simulating Experiment

    地下水 四氯化碳向上覆土壤挥发实验模拟研究

  • Contents of vinylidene chloride acetonitrile carbon tetrachloride and hexachloropropane in the raw hexachloropropane are determined by gas chromatography .

    采用气相色谱双内标法定量,测定六氯丙烷粗产品中偏氯乙烯、乙腈、 四氯化碳和六氯丙烷的含量。

  • Study on the gas chromatographic analysis of the purity of silicon tetrachloride recovered from the titanium sponge production

    气相色谱法分析海绵钛生产中回收的 氯化硅纯度的研究

  • Screening of Carbon Tetrachloride High Efficiency Degradation Strains and Study on Its Degradation Rules


  • To improve the technology for treating chlorinated hydrocarbons in ground water adsorption of carbon tetrachloride in simulated water sample by modified bentonite was investigated .

    为完善地下水中氯代烃污染物的处理技术,进行了用改性膨润土吸附模拟水样中 四氯化碳的试验研究。

  • Protective Effect of Konjac Glucomannan on Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Liver Injury in Mice

    魔芋葡甘聚糖对 CCl 4所致小鼠肝损伤的保护作用

  • Mechanism of Curcuma Aromatica Against Acute Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride

    郁金抗 四氯化碳致小鼠急性肝损伤机制的研究

  • Protective Effect of Antler Powder on Acute Hepatic Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride

    鹿茸粉对 四氯化碳急性肝损伤的保护作用

  • The protective effect of black rice anthocyanins on subacute hepatic injury of mice induced by carbon tetrachloride and its mechanism

    黑米花色苷对 四氯化碳亚急性肝损伤的保护作用及其机制 用分析黑米皮提取物中花色苷化合物

  • And this is a really clever reaction because titanium tetrachloride is a gas .

    这是一个非常巧妙的反应,因为 氯化钛是一种气体。

  • Protective Effect of Curcumin Solid Dispersion on Acute Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice

    姜黄素固体分散体对 四氯化碳致小鼠急性肝损伤的保护作用

  • Conclusion NLCG plus vitamin C can significantly improve chronic hepatic injury caused by carbon tetrachloride poisonining .

    结论养肝利胆颗粒加维生素C能显著改善 四氯化碳中毒导致的小鼠慢性肝损伤。

  • Preparation of Nano-scale Pd / Cu Particles by Codeposition for Dechlorination of Carbon Tetrachloride

    共沉积制备Pd/Cu纳米金属粒子对 四氯化碳的脱氯研究

  • In the reaction of chlorosulfonation carbon tetrachloride was used as solvent adding the sodium chloride in later stage reaction .

    在氯磺化反应中引入了 四氯化碳溶剂,在反应后期加入氯化钠。利用苯甲酰氯与丙烯酸反应制备丙烯酰氯。

  • Protective effect of Jidesheng Sheyao on the chronic hepatic Injury induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice

    季德胜蛇药对小鼠 四氯化碳慢性肝损伤的保护作用

  • Tetrachloride of high density may cause nubecula airway inflammation or even pneumochysis .

    高浓度可引起角膜 混浊,呼吸道炎症,甚至肺水肿。

  • Screening and Preliminary Identification of Degrading Bacteria of Carbon Tetrachloride in Pseudomonas Genus

    假单胞菌属 四氯化碳降解菌的筛选和初步鉴定

  • Study on the Protection of Baicalin on the Liver Injury Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice

    黄芩苷对小鼠 四氯化碳肝损伤保护作用的研究

  • A polymer-supported titanate ( PVAC – 1 ) was prepared by the reaction of titanium tetrachloride with polyvinyl alcohol and was been characterized with FTIR .

    聚乙烯醇与 氯化钛在二甲基亚砜和无水乙醇的混合溶剂中反应,制得负载钛酸酯催化剂PVAC-1,用红外光谱对其进行了表征。

  • Electron Microscope Observation of Radix Angelicae Sinensis on Protection with the Liver Injury Caused by Carbon Tetrachloride in Mice

    当归对 四氯化碳肝损伤保护作用的电镜观察

  • Metheods : Used thioacetamide induced acute hepatic injury and used carbon tetrachloride induced chronic hepatic injury .

    方法:用硫代乙酰胺造大鼠急性肝损伤模型;用 四氯化碳造大鼠慢性肝损伤模型。