y voltage

[电] Y形电压

  • The Y connection and delta connection of transformer in DVR is simulated with Matlab and the three-phase four-wire structure with Y connection is used in the experiment which can compensate zero voltage component of source voltage by approved SVPWM algorithm .

    分别对变压器不同的连接方法进行了Matlab系统仿真,并对变压器 星形连接的三相四线结构和改进的SVPWM控制方法作了实验,解决了系统中存在 电压零序分量问题。

  • One of them is to increase the load rate of the electric motor including the use of Y - △ starter voltage regulating device variable frequency motor two-speed motor or energy-saving coupling .

    其中,提高电动机负载率的途径有采用 Y&△转换启动器、 节电器、变频调速电动机、双速电动机和安全节能联轴器等。

  • Inrush current and over excitation of 750 kV transformer were also analyzed a novel method of adjusting differential current phase angle of transformer for transforming from delta to wye as well as the methods of calculating frequency by software and calculating voltage amplitude by the root-mean-square were presented .

    分析了750kV变压器励磁涌流和过励磁的问题,针对励磁涌流提出了Δ Y变换调整变压器差动各侧的电流相位方法,针对过励磁问题提出了软件计算频率和均方根法计算 电压的幅值;

  • Space vector voltage ( SVV ) of multi-phase motor with multi-set Y-connected windings fed by voltage source inverter ( VSI ) is studied .

    研究了电压型逆变器(VSI)驱动的多套 Y绕组结构电动机的空间矢量 电压(SVV)。

  • The MIOC is a key element for phase modulation which the half-wave voltage is one of the key modulation parameters .

    Y 波导 环形 干涉 光纤 传感器 常用的相位调制器件,半波 电压是它的一个关键参数。

  • A kind of rapid simple and convenient determination method of the x ( y ) axis and the half wave voltage of uniaxial crystals

    一种快速简便测定单轴晶体x( y)轴及半波 电压的方法

  • Glass substrate is covered with two layers of transparent and uniform conductive films which are used as X-Plate and Y-Plate respectively . The two layers will contact when something touches the screen . The output voltage is proportional to the distance between touch point and the edge .

    它在玻璃基板上覆盖两层透明并且均匀的导电层,用作X面板和 Y面板,当有物体触摸屏幕时,两层导电膜接触,其输出 电压 信号与触摸点到边缘的距离成正比。

  • Effect on the Electrical Properties and Microstructure of Low Voltage ZnO Varistors Doped with Y_2O_3

    Y 2O 3掺杂对 低压氧化锌压敏电阻材料结构和电学性能的影响

  • The Design of H and y High Voltage Power

    便携式 高压电源的设计

  • Research on ventilation structrue of 3 - phase medium size high voltage asynchronous motor

    Y 系列中型 高压三相异步电动机的通风 发热研究

  • Improvement of Y - △ Reduced - voltage Starting Main Circuit


  • Distribution voltage class capacitor banks can be connected in grounded wyes ungrounded wyes or delta . triangular finishing pass

    配电 电压等级的电容器组可接成接地Y形、不接地 Y 或△。 Y 轧机 三角精轧孔型

  • Transfer over-voltage in medium voltage sides of Y / Y transformers caused by high voltage side earthing

    高压系统接地在 Y/Y变压器 中压侧引起的传递过电压

  • Power rating of the converter is increased by multiphase interleaving not by multiple devices in parallel and its transformer is Δ - Y connection so it can double the output voltage and lower the turns-ratio of transformer .

    其通过多相交错并联而不是多个器件并联的方式来提高变换器的功率等级,并且其变压器为△ -Y连接方式,从而能够升高输出 电压,减小变压器的绕组比例。

  • Analysis of Space Vector Built in Motor With Multi-Set Y Connected Windings Fed by Voltage Source Inverter

    电压型逆变器驱动的多套 Y绕组电动机空间矢量电压研究

  • Signal processing circuit of receiving system covert current signal from PIN four-quadrant photo detector to voltage signal .

    接收系统的信号处理电路,将 象限光电探测器输出的电流信号转换为 电压信号并放大、处理,最终得到能够 反映 光斑 中心x 方向 y 方向 偏移量的 电压信号。

  • This article compares reduced voltage starting of cage asynchronous motor analyzes the common problems of Y - A reduced voltage starting circuit and puts forwards the solving strategy .

    本文对笼式异步电动机降压起动的比较,分析了常见 Y- 降压起动电路起动时存在的问题,并提出了解决的对策。