



  • Crustaceans live mostly in marine but also in freshwater and terrestrial habitats .

    甲壳类大多生活在海洋,但也有生活在淡水和 上栖息地的。

  • For terrestrial communities the principal variables are availability and temperature .

    对于 陆地群落,最主要是可用性和温度。

  • This terrestrial reference 's construction will become the church design a model .


  • Being terrestrial creatures humans got used to see and perceive the surroundings from the surface of the Planet .

    作为 陆地生物,人类习惯于观看和感知地表周围的事物。

  • Parasitic plants are an important component of terrestrial ecosystems and widely distributed in most terrestrial ecosystems .

    寄生植物是 陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在多数生态系统中均有分布。

  • However there are no investigation and research on terrestrial mollusca in two areas so far .

    迄今为止,还没有人对两地区的 贝类进行过调查研究。

  • Hawks that hunt over meadows and marshes and prey on small terrestrial animals .

    在草地和沼泽地带捕食的鹰,捕食小的 陆地动物。

  • Our proposal was supported by terrestrial heat flow data Bouguer anomaly inversion and neotectonic studies .

    拆沉失稳机制得到了 大地热流、布格重力异常反演和新构造运动研究结果的支持。

  • Terrestrial ferns of Florida and West Indies to Central and South America .

    佛罗里达和西印度群岛至中美洲和南美洲的 蕨类植物。

  • The knowledge of Thoth and Enoch implies humans are meant to evolve beyond our present terrestrial form .

    透特和伊诺克的知识暗示人类意味进化超越我们现在的 陆地形态。

  • Large tropical ferns ; some epiphytic climbers and some terrestrial bog ferns ; Africa ; Asia ; Australasia .

    大的热带蕨类植物;一些附生的攀缘植物和一些 陆地沼泽蕨类植物;非洲;亚洲;澳大拉西亚。

  • Other freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems have been degraded by pollution .

    其他淡水和 陆地生态系统也因污染而退化。

  • Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity .

    牛顿提出天体和 地球的运动可以用万有引力来解释。

  • Aquatic ecosystems share a number of basic structural and functional characteristics with terrestrial ecosystems .

    水生生态系统的结构和机能,在许多基本特征方面同 陆地生态系统一样。

  • Internal fertilization is an adaptation to life in a terrestrial environment .

    体内受精是对 陆地生活环境的一种适应。

  • Terrestrial or epilithic ferns of tropical rain forests .

    热带雨林地区 陆地或长在石头上的蕨类植物。

  • There are various volcanoes and volcanic rocks on the surfaces of terrestrial planets .


  • Small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World .

    东半球温暖地区 的小型蜥蜴 ~agama和agamid中英文定义相同。

  • These species are widely located in various transitional terrestrial and amphibious eco-systems .

    这些物种广泛分布于 陆地和水陆过渡的各种类型的生态系统中。

  • Virtually all surface and near-surface terrestrial water occurs and moves as part of a single vast hydrologic system .

    实质上,所有地表水和接近 地表的水是作为一个单一的大水文体系的一部分而存在和运动的。

  • A consequence of this definition is that the terrestrial system ( U ) and the satellite system ( S ) coincide .

    这样定义的结果是, 陆地系统(U)和卫星系统(S)相符。

  • The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals .

    鱼类的鳃与 动物的肺类似。

  • Likewise many terrestrial plants and insects are moving or expanding pole-wards .

    同样的,很多 植物和昆虫也在向极地方向迁徙和扩散。

  • Terrestrial and aquatic fauna may sometimes be found resting together under a loose stone .

    有时在松动的石头下可以同时看见栖息的 动物和水生动物。

  • The cultivation of this species is not difficult and is similar to other commonly cultivated terrestrial Utricularia .

    本种的栽培不会很难,也和一般栽培其它 生狸藻类似。

  • Key of the Terrestrial Stratotype establishment is to discover a sediment-successive section with rich fossils and complete exposure .

    建立 陆相层型的关键是找到沉积连续、化石丰富和暴露完全的剖面。

  • In this paper key techniques of mobile TV based on digital terrestrial broadcasting were researched chiefly .

    本文主要研究了基于 地面数字广播的手机电视关键技术。

  • With the development of the society terrestrial and marine ecosystems are destroyed seriously .

    随着社会的发展, 陆地和海洋生态系统受到严重破坏。

  • Hermaphroditic aquatic or terrestrial or parasitic annelids . Most mammals live on land .

    雌雄同体的水生 或寄生环节动物。大多数哺乳动物生活在陆地上。

  • For me a pivot I may support the terrestrial globe ;

    给我一个支点,我可以撑起 地球仪;