terms of delivery


  • To review design specification and implementation of new processes from product development to the production stages in accordance with production targets in terms of quality cost and delivery .

    从研发到量产阶段,检查图纸和规格, 根据质量,成本和 交货 日期目标,导入新工艺并持续改进。

  • Our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery or subject to 5 percent . discount if paid within one month .

    我公司的 条件是:自 交货之日起3个月内必须支付现金。如1个月内付款,可打5折扣。

  • If individual clauses of these terms and conditions of delivery and sale are invalid this shall not affect the validity of the contract as a whole or the remaining terms and conditions thereof .

    条款10。5如果 条款中的个别款项和 部分 运输销售环节是无效的,那么这种情况不应影响合同做为一个整体的完整性及其他合同条款及情况环节。

  • M : Then I 'd like to know your availability of the products and the terms of sales such as mode of payment delivery discounts etc.

    M:那我希望知道知道你们产品的实用性以及销售模式,如付款方式、 运输、折扣等等。

  • Please let us have your lowest FOB prices together with your terms of business and state your best delivery date .

    请告知贵公司最低离岸价和交易 条件,并说明最早 交货日期。

  • They define the way the interactions behave in terms of synchronous / asynchronous interfaces level of assurance of delivery handling of time outs and late responses and error handling .

    他们 同步/异步接口、 交付的保证级别、处理时间超时及响应延迟和错误处理的角度定义交互行为。

  • This message box is in fact realized as a SQL Store ; so this way BizTalk ensures reliability for your messages in terms of guaranteed delivery .

    MessageBox实际上是一个SQLServer数据库,这样BizTalk就能在消息的肯定 传输 方面确保可靠性。

  • An example can be illustrated in terms of reliable message delivery or performance ( such as throughput ) .

    在可靠的消息 传递或性能(如吞吐量) 方面 有这样一个例子。

  • Our terms of payment are cash on delivery .

    我们的 付款 条件 到付款。

  • When quoting please state terms of payment and time of delivery .

    贵方报价时,请声名付款前提和 交货时间。

  • But the area does not receive comparable attention in terms of healthcare delivery .

    但是这个领域没有得到卫生保健 供给 方面成比例的重视。

  • It is the whole story that there has been in terms of the disconnect between pledges and actual delivery of monies and this is very common and has been the case for many years now .

    一直以来,承诺 提供救助和真正 提供资金之间一直存在断裂,这是普遍现象,而且多年来一直是这种情况。

  • These shall also apply if the supplier bases the individual agreement on his terms of delivery or standard terms and conditions .

    如果供应商>供应商是根据其 交货 条件或标准>标准条款来签订各个协议的,那么上述条件和条例也应适用。

  • Negotiate with suppliers on terms of delivery and payment enable to approach our companys business target .

    交付 事宜与供应商协商,达到公司目标。

  • If the customer delays issuance of permission for shipment and such delay causes infringement of terms of delivery of equipment the Contractor shall not be considered as being late in the obligation on delivery of equipment during corresponding terms .

    如果业主拖延开具运输许可的时间,并且上述拖延导致设备 运输 期限的推迟,承包商在相应期限内不得视为设备交货延期。

  • Asynchronous communication provides benefits in terms of assured delivery and assured responses .

    异步通信提供的优点 包括可靠的 交付和可靠的响应。

  • In other words you can determine the Quality of Service or requirements in terms of guaranteed delivery elimination of duplicates and so on .

    换句话说,可以决定服务质量或需求, 包括有保证的 提交、消除重复提交,等等。

  • Plus if you believe the long-term plan it is the only on-demand ride company out there that currently has a large enough footprint ( in terms of both geography and data ) to pull off local delivery on a mass scale .

    此外,如果大家相信长期计划,目前Uber是唯一一家业务规模( 地理覆盖 范围和数据衡量)足以成功进行大批量本地 递送的按需运输 服务公司。

  • Here is our price list our terms are cash within three months of date of delivery if you can pay it within one month we 'll give you a discount of10 % .

    这是我们的价目表。我公司的 付款 条件 交货后三个月内支付现金,如果贵公司能在一个月内付清货款的话,我们还能再给您打九折。

  • Do the effects consider the customer in terms of the subsequent operation assembly and product including delivery of the part to customer plant ?

    在后续操作、装配、产品以及给工业用户 发货部件 方面,是否考虑到了对用户的影响?

  • EFI expressly deliver on the basis of our general terms of payment and delivery .

    很明显,EFI会根据我们的支付和 运输 条款进行运送。

  • On the whole the contract is acceptable but we can 't agree to your terms of delivery .

    总的来说,这个合同是可以接受的,但是你们的 发货 条件我们不能接受。

  • This paper attempts to analyze the subjective and objective causes for the disputes concerned in terms of the conditions for delivery of marketable houses the identification of force majeure and the implementation of plea rights and to put forth some proposals for settling the issue .

    论文从商品房 交付条件、不可抗拒力的认定、履行抗辩权三个 方面 深入地分析了纠纷产生的主客观原因,并提出了解决问题的方案。

  • Futures contracts are like forward contracts except that the terms of the contract namely the quantity and the delivery date are standardized .

    同时买进和卖出一种等额货币,但买与卖交割期限是不一致的。期货和远期合同一样,不过,前者的合同 条件,包括:数额和 日期是标准化的。

  • The government will need to think again about what to do and what to do first in terms of public service delivery .

    政府将需要重新考虑在公共服务 提供 方面做什么事情不做什么事情,先做什么事情后做什么事情。