terrestrial magnetism

[təˈrɛstriəl ˈmæɡnɪˌtɪzəm][təˈrestri:əl ˈmægnɪˌtɪzəm]


  • These works is significance for doing well digital observation and improving the observation quality of terrestrial magnetism .

    对做好 地磁数字化观测工作,提高 地磁 资料的观测质量有一定参考意义。

  • A variable inductor used to measure variations in terrestrial magnetism . Magnetic lines of force will whenever possible travel through iron or other magnetic materials .

    磁力 比较器;磁偏计用来测量 地磁中的变化的一种可变性感应器磁力线只要有可能就会通过铁或其他磁性材料。

  • This paper introduces the experimental means of using optical pumping magnetic resonance to measure the two vector components of terrestrial magnetism induction and of measuring the terrestrial magnetism induction in Haikou .

    介绍了利用光泵磁共振测定 地磁感应强度水平和 垂直两个分量的实验方法,并实测了海口地区的地磁感应强度。

  • Magnetic field sensors based on giant magneto-impedance meet the requirement of geomagnetic navigation systems for terrestrial magnetism sensors due to their high sensitivity quick response and low power consumption .

    基于非晶材料巨磁阻抗效应(GMI)的磁场传感器具有灵敏度高、响应速度快、功耗低等优点,满足作为地磁导航系统的关键部件 & 地磁测量传感器的基本要求。

  • After comparing K-Ar results with magnetic investigation it can be found that it is feasible to study Tertiary geomagnetic events through K-Ar dating and terrestrial magnetism .

    地磁测量结果进行对比显示,利用K-Ar法与 磁学共同研究第三纪地磁极性事件是可行的。

  • The interference to the observe to terrestrial magnetism of the municipal give an electric line and its exclusion the method

    市电布线对 地磁观测的干扰及排除方法