television image

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈɪmɪdʒ][ˈteliˌviʒən ˈimidʒ]

[计] 电视图象

  • This paper introduced the design implementation and its main characteristics of long distance transmission system of industrial television image in Huaibei Mining ( Group ) Co.

    介绍了淮北矿业集团工业 电视 图象远程传输系统工程的设计、实施及主要特点。

  • Sony has opted for active shutter technology using electronic glasses containing tiny shutters that open and close rapidly in synch with the television image to create a 3D impression .

    索尼公司选择的是“主动快门”技术(activeshutter),即利用电子玻璃镜片中微小快门与 电视 图像的同步快速开合,创造出3d效果。

  • The Algorithm of Quantitative Evaluation on Filtering Result Based on Infrared and Television Image

    基于红外和 电视 图像的滤波性能评价算法研究

  • Research into three levels : different media constructed typical image typical of film and television screen image the typical images of folk discourse system .

    研究将落实到三个层面:不同媒体所建构的典型形象、 影视荧幕上的典型形象、民间话语体系中的典型 形象

  • This paper analyzes some deficiencies and their related causes of traditional television 's image and introduces some new key technologies in image circuits in modern TV system .

    本文分析了传统 电视 图像存在的一些缺陷及原因,由此引出了现代电视系统中对图像电路所采用的一些关键新技术。

  • The developed system is testified experimentally in a test borehole the measured results from which are in good agreement with the borehole television image .

    给出该系统在试验井中的实测结果,并和井下 电视 图像取得较好的对应。

  • This paper discussed the frame conversion for television image signal along time axis ( such as compression and restoration frame sorting and so on ) and the control method frame coding technology on the hardware environment .

    本文论述了在以硬件为基础的环境下,沿时间轴对 电视 图像信号进行帧间变换(如压缩与还原、帧间有序排列等)及其控制方法&帧间编码技术。

  • Reading is a two-way process : the reader can also write television viewing is a one-way street : the viewer cannot create television image .

    阅读是双向过程:读者也能写作,观赏电视是单行道:观赏者无法创造 电视 意象

  • The Development of the Low Cost High Quality 2MB / S Conference Television Image Compression Cooling Equipment

    高性价比2MB/S会议 电视 图象压缩编译码器的研制

  • Television image quided percutaneous needle aspiration biopsy of intrathoracic mass Lesion-Report of 42 cases

    电视 透视导向胸部经皮穿刺活检术诊断胸内肿块性病变&附42例报告

  • Referring to the characteristic of the television image multi frame interfusion processing draws the motion information from the image in time series constructs the restoration filter and restores images by the reversal filtering in the frequency domain .

    针对 电视 摄像的特点,多帧融合处理技术从图像时间序列中提取景物的运动信息,构造复原滤波器,通过频率域反转滤波方式复原模糊图像。

  • Pyramid Coding of Television Image Transformation

    电视 图像变换域之塔形编码

  • The ground control station consists of a command & control vehicle a mobile control vehicle a mobile photo processing vehicle and a mobile television image processing vehicle .

    地面控制站由一辆指挥&控制车、一辆机动控制车、一辆机动相片处理车和一辆机动 电视 图像处理车组成。

  • The brand foundation the cultivation and the marketing relate to the media dissemination social efficiency and itself economic efficiency at the same time also relates to television media own image molding Those are important to television media .

    品牌的创建、培植和营销,不仅关系到 电视媒体自身 形象的塑造与经济效益的实现,更是关系到媒体传播的社会效益,构建公共领域的知识话语体系,与实现电视的生态平衡。

  • Application of Wavelet transform to the Quantificational Interpretation of the Downhole Television Image

    小波变换在井下 电视 图像定量解释中的应用

  • When John Logie Baird gave the first demonstration of a television image in London .

    当时,JohnLogieBaird第一次在伦敦做 电视 图象示范。

  • Apart from suppressing and removing noise color image filtering techniques also can be applied to other many situations such as television image enhancement virtual restoration of artworks color image enhancement and sharpening color edge detection color image interpolation and so on .

    彩色图像滤波技术除了用来消除噪声、提高图像视觉质量外,还可以应用到其他很多场合,例如 电视 图像的增强、艺术画的修复、彩色图像增强和锐化、彩色边缘检测、彩色图像插值等等。

  • The number of candidate target trajectories and the quantity of data processing are greatly compressed by using the approach and the approach is compatible with infrared - and television image sequences .

    本方法可以大大压缩候选目标轨迹数目和数据处理量,且对红外、 可见光等不同 种类 图像序列兼容。

  • Television channel 's image promo is an important link in the channel 's packing .

    电视频道 形象宣传片就是频道包装中的一个重要环节。

  • Our company is proficient in television advertisements enterprise image publicity MV making and professional in integrating film and television production with investment .

    是一家从事 电视广告、企业 形象宣传片、MV制作、影视投资与制作于一体的专业化公司。

  • Television use image symbols recognise the real world images use concealed way influence the public communication and affect the social culture .


  • X-ray television with image intensifier ( 1 )

    X线 影象增强 电视(一)

  • Study and Application of Multi-lines Television Laparoscopic Image Digital System

    多路 电视腹腔镜 图像数字化系统的研究及应用

  • In1936 the British Broadcasting Corporation electromechanical television broadcasting by Baird the first high-definition broadcast entered the practical stage of the television image .

    1936年,英国广播公司采用贝尔德机电式电视广播,第一次播出了具有较高清晰度,步入实用阶段的 电视 图像

  • Specific features of infrared television image signals are discussed .

    本文分析了红外 电视 图象信号的特点;

  • Application of SQL Server 2000 in Multi-lines Television Celioscope Image Digitalizing System

    SqlServer2000在多路 电视腹腔镜 图像数字化处理系统中的应用

  • Quantitative interpretation of downhole television image

    井下 电视 图像定量解释

  • Using water fog generator can generate large and dense water fog in short time the water fog can effectively diminish the threaten to the naval vessel which caused by infrared spotlight guided missile infrared image guided missile and television image guided missile .

    利用水雾发生装置在极短的时间内形成大面积、高密度水雾,对敌红外点源制导、红外成像制导、 电视 成像制导导弹产生有效的干扰作用以保护水面舰艇。

  • It is introduced that the writer of this paper has developed a low cost high quality 2MB / S conference television image compression coding hardware system .

    本文系作者研制低成本高质量的2MB/S会议 电视 图象压缩编码硬件系统的成果报告。