


  • Conclusions There was correlation between herpes simplex virus ⅱ infection and some patients with venereal disease 、 abortion 、 dead fetus ( teratism ) 、 sterility .

    结论 HSV2感染与性病、流产、死( )胎和不孕不育等疾病的部分患者的 发病 有关

  • Objective To investigate the herpes simplex virus ⅱ infection status of 366 patients and 80 health people for studying the correlation between herpes simplex virus ⅱ infection and patients with venereal disease 、 abortion 、 dead fetus ( teratism )、 sterility .

    目的:了解单纯疱疹Ⅱ型病毒(HSV2)感染与性传播疾病(性病)、流产、死( )胎和不孕不育等疾病的关系。

  • Results 4 cases among them were operated by intracardiac correction of teratism and 1 case was operated by right upper lobe lobectomy .

    结果4例心内矫正 畸形,1例行右肺上叶切除术, 5例均 治愈

  • Results : The average time of the follow up which passed through 8 months to 5 years was about 2 years and 3 months . Within 216 patients 7 cases suffered from urinary tract infection 9 cases occurred hip varus teratism .

    结果:本组216例病人,经8个月至5年,平均2年3个月的随访,7例发生尿路感染,9例出现髋内 畸形

  • Method The hygiene indices determine of LD50 mutagenic tests ( Ames test micronuclei test and spermatozoon teratism test ) were carried out .

    方法检测卫生指标、 LD50、三致试验;

  • Analysis on chromosome of 54 couples with the history of abortion or teratism

    54对有流产、 畸胎史夫妇的染色体分析

  • Conclusions There is correlation between infection of cytomegalovirus and part of patients with abortion 、 dead fetus ( teratism )、 nephritis 、 coronary heart disease 、 diabetes mellitus 、 infancy jaundice 、 fever of unknown 、 encephalitis .

    结论CMV感染与流产、死( )胎、婴儿黄疸、肾炎、 红斑 狼疮、冠心病、糖尿病、无名热和脑炎等疾病的部分患者的 发病 有关

  • Conclusion Ginsenoside has better antagonism on embryo teratism in rat induced by acetic lead and can proportionately promote the differentiation and development of rat embryo .

    结论:人参皂苷对铅所致胚胎 畸形有较好的拮抗作用,并可均衡地促进胚胎的分化和发育。

  • In the school many kids who read from newspaper to her story all humiliate her and sneer at her as teratism .

    在学校里,许多从报纸上读到她故事的孩子都欺负她,并嘲笑她为 怪胎

  • Two Teratism & Analysis on the Important Words in the Contemporary ( modern times ) Chinese Music History

    两个 怪胎&当代(近现代)中国音乐史重要话语解析之一

  • Compared with other groups the level of serum TBA and CHE in cytomegalovirus hepatitis group and the congenital bile duct teratism group were significantly different ( all P0.01 ) . And in the congenital bile duct teratism group the level was the most impressive .

    其中CMV性肝炎及先天性胆道 畸形 组TBA、CHE在与各组两两比较中均有显著性差异(P均0.01),先天性胆道畸形组 改变最明显;

  • Premature birth or teratism midanaphase infection may just show nervous system abnormality confused with neonatal HIE .

    结论:新生儿宫内感染因其早期常会导致流产、早产或 畸胎,妊娠中后期的感染,新生儿可仅表现为神经系统的异常而与新生儿HIE相混淆,并影响预后。

  • The positive rates of IgA IgM and ATAb was 17.6 % in patients with teratism .


  • Conclusion : Application of warfarin during pregnancy can avoid thrombosis and do not increase bleeding in delivery but maybe results in teratism or abortion .

    结论:妊娠期间口服华法林能有效防止血栓形成,且不会增加分娩时 母婴出血,但可能对 胎儿 畸形和流产有 一定 影响

  • Human cytomegalovirus ( HCMV ) is a major pathogen for human beings active infection in immunocompromised patients may lead to severe and life-threatening illness . Furthermore it causes severe sequelae ( such as teratism and abortion ) in newborn after primary infection of their mothers during pregnancy .

    人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)是人类重要的病原体 之一,孕妇初次感染HCMV,可导致 胎儿 畸形或流产,HCMV的活动性感染可以危及免疫抑制患者的生命。

  • Results : The 17 cases of term delivery received Caesarean section and the weight of newborn was 2 600 g to 3 500 g. There were 4 cases of teratism but the 2 cases keeping using warfarin was normal .

    17例分娩均行剖宫产,新生儿体重 2600~3500g,有4例出现 不同 形式 胎儿 畸形,2例一直服用华法林 肝素 者,其胎儿为正常儿。

  • After wearing the orthosis the children patients had to take part in the cinesiateics for at least 1 hour every day untill the teratism was nearly stable .

    患儿佩带矫形器后,每天至少参加运动疗法1h,直至 畸形基本稳定。