Admittedly it was about different species of turtles and whether I preferred the red-eared slider to the diamond-backed terrapin .
虽然我们聊的是不同种类的乌龟,以及我是不是更喜欢红耳龟,而不太喜欢菱 背 水龟。
Investigation on Bacteria Carrying in Terrapin Eggs and Infected Artificially by Vibrio Cholera ⅰ . Description on Bacteria Detected from Sampling Terrapin Eggs
鳖卵 带菌 情况 与 实验感染霍乱弧菌的研究Ⅰ.一批鳖卵抽检样品中所见细菌的记述
The results revealed that terrapin eggs can harbor 1 ~ 4 species of bacteria while 90.66 % of them were contaminated with 1 or 2 species .
The pathogenic Vibrionaceae Vibrio Cholera especially was commonly carried but Vibrio Cholera O1 or O139 were not isolated in terrapin eggs .
鳖的 种卵中携带弧菌科致病菌相当普遍,特别是霍乱弧菌,但尚未检出引发霍乱的O1和O139血清群。
First Report on Detecting Vibrio Cholera from Imported Terrapin Egg
进口 鳖蛋中首次检出霍乱弧菌