



  • Objective : To investigate the clinical significance of the predictable value of tertian serum β - human chorionic gonadotropin (β - hCG ) and serum progesterone ( P ) in 3 week pregnancy after assisted reproductive technology ( ART ).

    目的探讨经辅助生殖技术治疗后,在孕3周内检测血清β-hCG 隔日 上升 情况及血清孕酮(P)水平对妊娠结局的预测价值。

  • It was found that the rodent 's density and the positive rate of HFRS virus antigens in shoaly land with lower terrain and silt loam were all higher than those in hillock land with higher tertian and shandy loam .

    发现地势低、沙淤 两合土质地区的鼠密度与鼠带毒率均大于 地势高、沙 土质 地区

  • The incidence of tertian malaria with long-incubation period was 58.65 % its onset had 2 Peaks human population was generally susceptible to the disease .

    长潜伏期间 疟病例占 58.65%。发病呈双峰型,人群普遍易感,男性多于女性,发病呈点状分布。

  • Results The alleles of MSP-1 and CSP from 32 blood samples of tertian malaria patients were identified . 18.75 % and 35.29 % multiple infections were observed in MSP-1 and CSP respectively .

    结果共检测32份海南省现场确诊的 间日疟病人血样,MSP1等位基因型混合感染率为18.75%,平均克隆数1.16;

  • Study of the Latency Period and Relapse of Tertian Malaria

    间日疟潜伏期与复发 状况 实验研究

  • AGUE tertian fever quartan fever paludism .

    打摆子, 间日 ,三日疟,疟疾。

  • Indicating that this community was an unstable low-incidence malarious area with tertian malaria dominating .

    ,脾肿率1.33%,AES为2.125,稳定性指数为0.43,表明该地是以 间日疟为主的非稳定性低疟区。

  • Analysis on mixed distribution of tertian malaria with long and short incubation


  • Observation on the Incubation Period of Tertian Malaria in Human Infection Experiments in Areas of Different Climate in Yunnan Province

    云南不同气候 区间 潜伏期的人体感染实验报告