tertiary process

[ˈtə:ʃiˌɛri ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈtɜ:ʃi:ˌeri: ˈprəuses]

[经] 第三次采油

  • A new style of heat pipe chemical reactor is put forward for the first time in this thesis . It is called Snake Loop Heat Pipe ( SLHP ) chemical reactor . It has been used in the process of Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether 's ( MTBE ) production .

    本文首次提出并 构思了一种新型热管化学反应器&蛇形回路热管化学反应器,应用于甲基叔丁基醚( Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether,MTBE)生产装置中。

  • Fourthly the agglomeration of secondary industry and tertiary industry can significantly promote the urbanization process and the third industry effect is more apparent .

    第四,第二产业和 产业集聚都能够显著地推进城镇化 进程,且第三产业效果更为明显。

  • Logistics industry has contained the movement course of all social products in the society and in enterprises involving primary industry the secondary industry the tertiary industry and production process of societies considered to be the artery of national economic development and basic industry .

    物流产业涵盖了全部社会产品在社会上与企业中的运动过程,涉及到第一产业、第二产业、第 产业和全部社会再生产 过程,被认为是国民经济发展的动脉和基础产业。

  • Information administration in tertiary institutions as part of its knowledge creation system helps scientific researchers initiate the process of knowledge creation and retain the latest information .

    知识创新系统中的 高校知识信息管理是高校科技工作者启动知识创新 过程,获取最新科技信息的基础条件。

  • So the essential reason of this economic crisis is that the return on investment of tertiary industry is higher than that of the secondary industry which cause industrial structure and the investment of information technology unbalanced which hinders the spreading process of information technology .

    我们认为这次经济危机的根本原因是发达国家的 产业投资回报率的严重虚高导致产业结构与企业家的信息技术投资出现了严重失衡,阻碍了信息技术的正常扩散。

  • The learning algorithm is given and the effectiveness of the model and algorithm is proved by tertiary oil recovery process simulation of oil reservoir development .

    文中给出了学习算法,并以油藏开发 采油 过程模拟为例验证了模型和算法的有效性。

  • Processing chicken 's wastewater treated by SBR process was used as experimental object which was treated on tertiary stage by coagulation process and absorption filtrating process respectively .

    肉鸡加工废水经SBR工艺处理后,分别采用混 和吸附&过滤两种工艺对其进行 深度处理。

  • Study on the Mechanism of Phenols Removal from Pulp and Paper Wastewater Catalyzed by Horseradish Peroxidase Tertiary treatment of biologically treated pulp and paper wastewater by combined coagulation-ozonation process

    酚类化合物酶处理反应机理初探造纸中段废水的混凝&臭氧 氧化 深度 处理研究

  • Therefore how to adjust the internal structure of the tertiary industry how to promote the development of tertiary industry and promote the urbanization process have become the key issues in the regional economic strategy .

    因此,如何调整第三产业内部结构,促进 产业的发展,进而推动城市化 进程,开始成为制定区域经济战略重点考察的问题。

  • Similarly the first level of the tertiary industry in Qingdao City a significant role in promoting the process of urbanization .

    同理,青岛市 产业第一层次对城镇化的 进程推动作用显著。

  • Applying three policy frameworks of SSH coding is finished according to the web tertiary structure including Structs view controller and model . Additionally Spring and Hibernate process business logic and data access respectively .

    应用SSH的三种框架策略,按照Structs的视图、控制器、模型 结构确定编码实现,Spring处理业务逻辑,Hibernate 处理数据访问。

  • The micromodel is used to study the mechanism of oil displacement in second and tertiary oil recovery process and these can be observed visually .

    利用该模型,进行了二次和 采油驱油机理的试验研究,观察了真实油层复杂孔隙系统中水驱油的 过程,残余油的形成及分布特征等。

  • During the research high efficiency polybasic solid catalyst has been prepared scaling-up problem of preparing tri-long-chain alkyl tertiary amine has been settled and corresponding amination process flow and equipment have been designed .

    研究过程中制备了高效多元固体催化剂,解决了三长链烷基 胺制备的放大问题,设计了相应的胺化 工艺流程和设备。

  • Extraction equilibrium was studied of HCl with tertiary amine in the process of carbonation of ammonium chloride solution . Extracting equilibrium constants were determined at various volume ratios between tertiary amine and the diluent .

    研究了氯化铵溶液碳化 过程 胺对HCl的萃取平衡,测算出了不同配比下的萃取平衡常数。

  • The formation of the primary sapphires is related to the volcano activities in tertiary period . Their formation has two types : ① in the process of the volcano activities the basaltic magma carried the sapphires that had formed before to the earth 's surface ;

    山东蓝宝石原生矿的形成与 火山活动密切相关,其形成方式有两种:①在火山活动 ,玄武质岩浆捕虏先前形成的蓝宝石并将其带至地表;

  • As the economic development it is an important factor that the optimization and upgrading of tertiary industry which promote the process of urbanization .

    值得重视的是,随着经济水平的提高, 产业的优化升级已成为推动城市化 进程的一个重要因素。

  • The secondary effluent from Gaobeidian Sewage Treatment Plant was treated with the DGB tertiary process for groundwater recharge .

    以北京高碑店二级出水为对象,进行了二级出水地下回灌的 DGB深度处理 工艺的风险评价。

  • The Education of Ideological Goals on the Part of Tertiary Students : Its Characteristics as a Process

    大学生理想信念教育的 过程性特点

  • Jinan City the fourth level of the tertiary industry and urbanization of gray relational grade is quite high indicating the Jinan municipal government departments a significant role in promoting the urbanization process in Jinan .

    济南市 产业第四层次与与城镇化的灰色关联度相当高,说明济南市政府部门对济南城镇化 进程的推动作用显著。

  • The process of catalytic amination of fatty alcohols is the main method to produce tertiary amines and has obvious advantages compared with the conventional process of fatty acids .

    脂肪醇催化胺化制叔胺的工艺是目前生产脂肪 胺的主要方法,和传统的酸 工艺相比具有明显的优势。

  • It is the earliest recognized and discovered Tertiary ball clay with high physical and chemical indexes and complete process performances .

    吉林 的球粘土主要分布于舒兰县、 永吉县及 吉林 等地,是我国最早甄别和发现的 球粘土。

  • In recent years with social development water treatment technology has been widely applied to all walks of life and tertiary treatment process of urban sewage treatment plants has been to be paid more and more attention .

    近年来,随着社会的发展,水处理技术被广泛的应用到各行各业中,城市污水处理厂中 工艺受到越来越多的关注。

  • Tertiary treatment of biologically treated pulp and paper wastewater by combined coagulation-ozonation process

    造纸中段废水的混凝&臭氧 氧化 深度处理研究

  • With the development of oil exploitation increasing amount of tertiary oil recovery wastewater is needed to be treated so as to meet the requirements of wastewater re-injecting process and discharging in the environment .

    随着油田开采的深入,大量的 采油产出污水需要 净化和处理,以满足污水回注或者外排的要求。

  • Tertiary Sewage Treating Process and Its Application

    污水 深度处理 方法及其应用

  • As a mature tertiary oil recovery technology has been applied to a smooth sea oil field in the application process required for the optimization and selection of parameters .

    聚合物作为一种成熟的 采油技术,为使其顺利的应用于海上油田,针对在应用 过程中需要进行优化和选择的参数进行研究。

  • Moreover the low proportion of the tertiary industry in the developing process and the development imbalance of the first the second and the third industrial structure aspects also affected the rate of economic development and the growth potential in Henan .

    以及在发展 过程 产业比例偏低,第一、二、三产业比例失调等产业结构方面的问题也影响了河南经济发展速度和发展后劲。

  • In order to achieve the individual goal or social goal on different levels all the tertiary institutions in Taiwan Hong Kong and Mainland China are experiencing the process of differentiation gradually forming a university system with different types of students and different aims of institutions .

    两岸 高等 教育机构为了实现不同层次的办学目标,在 经过不同路径的发展后,已逐渐形成一个拥有不同学生类型与机构目标的多元化发展模型。